Chapter 11: Beethoven's Symphony No. 5

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The event from last night still muddled up her brain today. Until now, she still doesn't understand what happened. It bothered her even in her dreams.

'Your real name. Real name. Real name.'

S**t. What the heck did he mean by that?

She bolted up her bed. It's still 4:36 in the morning and it's still dark outside. She sighed. She's pretty sure she's not gonna get any sleep now.

She hurriedly put on her oversized sweat shirt and pants, pink lite running shoes and grabbed the music pod which was provided by the academy on her way out. They were really serious about security measures here, specifically the No Gadgets Policy.

She stuffed the headphone to her ears and walked towards the dorm's exit. The hallways were silent.

All the while, the strange conversation from last night racked up her brain. Though, as much as Grey confuses her, she really isn't looking forward to having another talk with him. She had to avoid them.

That's the plan. If she wanted to get out of this place in one piece.

Cold air caressed her face as soon as she exited the building. But it was nothing compared to the coldness in New York. And it reminded her of one thing: She's all on her own now.

She inhaled deeply and closed her eyes. Feeling the light breeze on her face and whipping the tendrils of her hair with a soothing Beethoven's Symphony No. 5 playing on the background.

• • •

Trevor pushed open the door towards Grey's study in the Black Widow's mansion. He wasn't in his room all night.

He found him standing by the bay window on his dark sweatpants talking in whispers to somebody on the phone.

"I wan't it ASAP," he heard him say with finality.

He eyed the papers lying around as if it was recklessly thrown over. He shook his head as he picked up a page and settled on the couch staring at it.

"Giving your P.I a hard time again, aren't you?" He asked as soon as Grey ended his call. His voice laced with amusement.

Grey was still standing there, facing the twilight now visible in the horizon. "What do you want?"

He smiled at his nonchalance. "Well, your father will be joining breakfast and I was sent to make sure you're there."

Grey gave out an amused snort as he faced him. His arms crossed on his chest. "You gonna drag me?"

He chuckled at him. "I think that wouldn't be necessary for now. That is if you would rather we discuss about this." He smirked smugly as he showed him the page.

He wiggled his eyebrows at him when he looked grim instantly.

Grey bristled  and snatched the page while he just laughed at him. Grey was now gathering the strewn papers and muttering obscenities about changing the goddamned passcode for the door which made him laugh even harder.

He stopped short to duck from a flying book. "Hey!"

"Okay-okay!" He stood up in surrender when Grey picked up yet another one. "I'm going! Jeez! Breakfast at 6, Prick!"

He chuckled when Grey just glared at him.
"Get the f**k out, man."

He walked to the door. Halfway out though he beamed back at him, wiggling his eyebrows, suggestively. "You know, the track field has a really nice view."

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