Chapter 14: A life for a life

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After she was dropped to a seat, two hands held her down by the shoulders. She can only hear silence though she's certain they've brought her inside the pool building and she'd been itching to know who had the freakin' guts to haul her in. A minute later, she heard footsteps coming round a corner. Two pairs. And then the door creaked open. 

"Well...well...well," a honeyed voice said quietly with a hint of amusement as they shuffled inside the room. "Unmask her."

One of her captors unceremoniously tugged her blindfold off. She took her time before opening her eyes though. When she did, a brunette was sitting royally on the bench in front of her. The girl, she remembered from the hallway.

"Hello, Mooncrest," the girl said.

Losing interest, she panned her eyes around. She was detained in a locker room which was very cliche for that matter. And behind her stood three guys. She's guessing that the one with the curly, blonde-hair  in the middle was Lucas. His nervousness gave him away and the black-haired dude on his left must be Linchester. 

That only left the grumpy-looking, black american guy with a lip stud, who glared a her menacingly. "What'cha lookin' at?" he snapped with a croaky voice.

"Hush now, Williams. You're scaring her," the girl then looked at her. "I know we've met earlier. But I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Penelope Jones."

She almost rolled her eyes. She crossed her legs and slouched on the chair, looking gloriously bored. "What do you want?"

The girl chuckled. "Feisty, aren't you? Nothing much, actually. Somebody just wants to meet you."

As if on cue, the door opened with a bang and three girls appeared by the doorway. The middle girl was  tall with ash blonde bob hair with auburn highlights, wearing white crop top and a tight leather skirt. Her expression is the same blank mask. But, the way her eyes glinted Raven's way, she could tell that she wasn't exactly fond of her. Behind her stood  two of Raven's classmates. One, she expected was Thalia and the other was the noodle-haired snob from chemistry. While standing guard by the door was the guy who tried to get her earlier. He was shooting her a knowing look as if screaming, 'I told you so.'

She blinked as the lead girl stepped towards her.

Jones had already vacated her seat for the new girl, who was now scrutinizing Raven from head to toe. Her face expressionless as she took her seat and crossed her arms.

"We met at last," the girl said above a  whisper, not taking her eyes off Raven. She actually looked pretty harmless except for those sharp eyes. 

Though, Raven already have a pretty good guess on what they wanted. "I'm not joining any club if that's your intention," she said nonchalantly, remembering Uncle Paul's warnings about the school gangs.

She  chuckled dryly. "Oh, Raven. You're too bloody straightforward."

Raven only looked her in the eye.

"Come on Raven, cut me some slack."

Raven shrugged. "I'm bored. What else do you want? You're wasting my time."

The girl raised an eyebrow. "Seems like you don't know me at all."

"You're not that famous I guess," Raven bluntly replied.

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