Chapter 25: I know who you are

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Raven stilled herself as she dashed down the hallway towards the screaming voice. A woman's voice.


Following closely behind her are the heavy steps of Mason. He then sprinted faster and pushed open the door where they suspected the scream from.

She halted by the doorway.

There was Tasha looking wide eyed at them. She was standing there in front of the classroom, shaking from head to toe as she clutched her skirt. She looked at them in horror. "I didn't do it."

They blinked at her and panned their eyes around only to be surprised to see the two guys she saw with her on the floor, unconscious and bloody.

"What the f-!" Mason blurted looking back from the boys to Natasha's shaking form. "What happened here?"

Tasha looked crazed. She was only vigorously shaking her head staring widely at the guys.

"Step away, Natasha," Mason suddenly commanded.

Tasha dazedly shuffled back to the other wall. It's only when Mason stepped closer towards the men and felt their necks for pulses.

"Faint," Mason murmured throwing Tasha an accusing glance. "Raven, d'you have your keycard?"

She opened her purse and took the black card out.

"Alert the Guardians."

Tasha looked horrified at her.

Raven sighed and stepped towards the digital panel. "Go back to the dorm, Tasha."

Mason looked surprisingly at Raven.

She and Mason sputtered at the same time, "W-hat?"

Raven swiped the card and touched the emergency button. "You have a minute to get out of here. I'm giving you an option."

Tasha's eyes widened before it glinted with decision. Hurriedly, she scampered away from the body and towards the door.

Raven stared at her as she passed by. "You owe me," she warned quietly.

Tasha only stared back at her and ran away. Her skirt billowing down the corridor.

"Now, why would you do that?" Mason protested. "What are we supposed to do now?"

Raven sighed and walked towards the body as she examined them.

They were both flat on their faces. Their dress shirts tainted with blood. Raven immediately recognized two small yet deep, stab wounds on the taller guy, might have been from a hard blow on the head and a couple bruises too. On the fuller one, a laceration on the forehead from a heavy bump probably and visible bruises on his face and neck.

"Give me your emergency knife," Raven said.

Mason blinked, suspiciously. "How'd you know I have one?"

Raven rolled her yes. "Of course you'd have one. It's on your left pocket," she replied offering her palm.

Mason could only stare in disbelief. "How'd you-"

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