Chapter 24: Let it be Grey

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Back at the Academy, Raven tried not to cringe as the spotlight illuminated on her. It had been a part of the plan. She would be shown to SinHigh as the Music Club's newest member.

It's noticeable how everyone went into a well-choreographed silence in a heartbeat upon seeing her basking on the limelight. The smoke fog around her creating an ethereal glow. Her eyes panned the entirety of the hall before she slowly raised her violin to her shoulder. She closed her eyes as she took a deep breath and felt its light caress on her hand as she exhaled.

The queue of the band came and then her notes began. It started as a soft melody and then seemingly enraptured, the notes builds higher and higher and then crescendoed and stopped leaving it hang in there for a moment before the same slow melody began. This time with the string quartet. When they crescendoed and stopped again, another round began with the whole band. Together, the melody felt so strong and rousing that the entire audience watched in rapt attention.

Finally, the band crescendoed longer and ended. It was quiet for a moment. Even the sparks were delayed. Then came the overwhelming applause.

When Raven opened her eyes, the sparks from the stage slowed and she saw the VIPs. It was a slow motion how they raised on their feet and clapped for them.

Safe to say, the show have been well-received and the curtain fell. The claps and cheers of the band members and their goofy grins are proof enough that they too are happy with the performance.

"Great job, everyone. Well done!" Novak praised.

"Permission to land, Base. Airbus 17 and Airbus 15 are on the scene."

Yu Jin gripped the back of the chair. "Permission to ground granted, Airbus 15 and Airbus 16. Ground report, ASAP. Airbus 17 stay on the air for security."


From the background, they could hear the descend and the rotor blades slowing down.

There was a tense silence in the Base. All ears on the monitor for the report of the crash. Specially if there was any survivor.

'If Grey survived.'

All the while, Grey's last words to Yu Jin lurked on the back of his mind. "Just like old times, bud. You're gonna cover our asses, A5. Make sure we don't die. I trust you better with our lives." He won't be able to forgive himself if anything happens to him.

As the Airbuses landed on the ground, the two teams arrived on the scene.

Trevor and Ashton was instantly out of the car as they raced towards the wreckage just inside an old warehouse, which is now on flame. Recognizing instantly Grey's ruined car. Both are silently praying the guy huddled on the ground a few meters from the crash site was him. However, the odds says it's the driver based on its position on the far left.

"Base, we can see a survivor."

Yu Jin became restless. His nerves was everywhere. 'Let it be Grey.' His mind chanted incessantly.

"Raven Mooncrest."

Raven stilled. The band had joined the party and refused to let her go when she said she'd rather sleep it out. Thought she had escaped socializing when she left The Big Apple. Oh how wrong she had been. Daintily, she gave her glass to the passing waiter before turning around to look at a pair of clear blue eyes.

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