Chapter Three - Motherly Conflictions

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Song Recommendation: "Shakespeare" by Fink

Song Recommendation: "Shakespeare" by Fink

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Motherly Conflictions

When I arrived home, I felt completely motified. I had his freaking phone! Some how, when my phone fell, I picked up his instead. I wanted to sink lower in my seat. I had to go to the café and get my phone back quickly.

I didn't want Wes to have my phone while he was calling me. That would be hard to explain to someone I just met. I needed that phone tonight.

Mom was home, hovered over some drawing. It was a surprise to see her drawing. She'd liked getting her hands dirty with clay instead. She raised her head and smiled at me. "Hey Bekka. Where were you?"

"Some café I came across. It's really nice," I murmured.

She smiled. "So you like it here?"

"So far." I had Wes' phone clutched in my hand and I felt like it was burning a hole through my hand.

I ran over to my room quickly. There was still boxes lying around, but that wasn't my problem right now. I threw Wesley's phone on my bed. I needed to figure what the hell to do. Should I unlock it? I'm so stupid there's going to be a password. I would just have to return it right after.

I laid down and took a deep breath. I needed to calm down. It was just a phone, I would just return it. No need to freak out. All of a sudden it started ringing. My eyes grew wide and I reached over it quickly. It was my phone number! I picked it up hesitantly.

"Hello?" I whispered.

"If you wanted my phone number so bad, you didn't have to take my phone," he chuckled slowly.

I blushed deeply. "I'm sorry. I just. . . I don't know what happened," I nervously laughed.

"When our phones fell, we must've grabbed each others," Wes explained.

"Well I need my phone, like pronto." I didn't want him to call. I don't think Wes would pick it up, but he could still read my texts. Such an idiot. I had no freaking password on my phone. He could see my gallery, oh great.

"Yeah, you probably do. You should really put in a password country girl," Wes laughed.

I leaned forward and closed my eyes. "No. You didn't."

"Why do you listen to Japanese shit?" Wes asked. I could tell he was smiling.

I wanted to die. "You did not look through my music. Wesley, I'm going to murder you."

Wesley snorted. "Puhhlease. I'm going to fix your phone, watch. When do you start school?"

I wanted to die a little. I had to go to my first day of school. Great. When the hell would I get my phone? "Um like. Next Tuesday."

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