Chapter Twenty - Jealous Surprises

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Song Recommendation: "Genghis Khan" by Miike Snow

Song Recommendation: "Genghis Khan" by Miike Snow

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Jealous Surprises

"Okay. So let's say everyone was happy with what they had. There was no poverty, no sickness nothing. Everyone had everything they wanted. Would the world be happy?" Oren leaned forward on the wheelchair he was in. He need to gain use of his legs. He was going to physical therapy for it. It would be a process. That's for sure.

We were currently in the café, basically on a break. It was a slow Saturday. Break had just started for Thanksgiving, and I had no idea what to do. I was debating on inviting Kaiden over for dinner with Nelson. I knew for sure Wesley was busy. Him and Grace were going to visit their aunt in Connecticut. He wanted to invite me, but I declined. I didn't want to bother him. Plus, I wanted to spend time with Kaiden. Something was up with him. I needed to see if he was okay. Why was he in the hospital?

I shook my head. "No. No one would be happy. Eventually they would find something to complain about. That's just a part of life. People complain about their problems because they just need to vent out. Let's say they were happy with their life. They'll find a way to complain about how much money they had or something. People are happy with complaining. It's a way of life." My eyes darted to Simon, ready for his input as always.

"People need to share their problems to other people. That's when it becomes a contest. About who should pity who more. About who has it worse. It's disgusting how society romanticizes everything. You've seen those blogs about how they romanticize eating disorders, or self harm--as if it makes the problem any better. It doesn't. It starts teaching people that it's okay to harm yourself or it's okay to have an eating disorder. Which it is not. You have to work that problem through and find the solution. Not act like, 'oh it's fine everyone else thinks it's okay'. People are so ignorant these days. All because of society," Craig explained as he sat down in a comfy bean bag.

My eyes grew wide. Craig was a very wise guy. It didn't surprise me that he entered to conversation, but I didn't think he would say it so beautifully. Simon whistled. "Said it way better than I was gonna."

Oren chuckled. "I like you."

Wesley laughed. "It's true though." Wes sat down in the love seat next to me. He put his arm over me. My eyes grew wide. Wes was showing type of affection? But who's to say Jazmyne would try to kiss him again? He wasn't mine. At least not yet. Unless he told me about him and had Jazmyne off his back, then I wouldn't allow any affection.

My phone vibrated in my pocket. I groaned and looked at the lit up screen. Another unknown caller. Normally, I should be picking up any call that came to me, but I didn't want to since it was a Gravon area code. My mother was trying to contact me once again. I was still mad at her. I refused to contact her. Maybe then, she would come back up here.

Wesley smiled at me. "You okay?"

I nodded. "Always." I smiled tightly.

Simon's eyes bored into mine. I raised a brow. Why was he staring at me like that? Maybe he was daydreaming. Simon tended to do that a lot. Craig stared at Simon. "So Simon, what are you studying?"

"Architecture," Simon's eyes drifted away from mine.

Craig nodded, shifting his mug to his other hand. "That sounds pretty good."

"He's a nerd basically," Oren smirked, leaning back in his chair.

Simon narrowed his eyes at Oren. "Maybe, but I have my future planned out."

Oren's eyes grew wide. He looked at his hands in his lap. I grew angry at Simon. That was rude to say to Oren who just went through a lot recently. "Simon, it's not easy to get back into the hang of things after going through something like that."

Oren turned to me. "Yeah. I mean, I wasn't out for that long, but yeah."

My phone continued to vibrate. I saw it was Nelson. I sighed and picked it up. "Hey."

"Bekka. . . You need to come home quickly," Nelson's voice was shaky and wavering, like he was about to cry.

"What happened? No more chips?" I chuckled, trying to lighten up the mood.

"No Rebekka. I-it's about your mother. She got into an accident. She's in the hospital. It's. . . Bad. We need to go back home."


I rolled my eyes once Bekka got up to answer her call. Why did everyone like Bekka? The snotty country girl who took New York by storm. . . sure.

She was so annoying, always in everyone's business. She would just be everywhere I was. Cassandra reminded me of her. Annoying bitch. Wes clearly was into her, but she kept on ignoring him. Wes did not deserve that. Wes should've moved his advancements elsewhere. Bekka would hurt him. Maybe even more than Jazmyne did.

Wesley turned to me. My heart fluttered when his grey brilliant eyes landed on mine. He smirked. Gosh, that sexy pull of lips he did. "Simon, seems like you slept on the wrong side of the bed, now did you?" His full lips seemed to glimmer in the lighting.

I knitted my brows. "No, I just was defending myself." I leaned back. His hair was messy again, but a beanie secured it. I longed to run my hands in his hair. I wondered how it felt. I bet it was soft.

Bekka walked off to the side after the phone call she had to take. She stared at Wesley in shock. Her eyes were wide, her expression seemed almost tortured. "I gotta go. . . " she murmured. She turned around, grabbed her jacket and left.

I rolled my eyes and got up. I made my way to the bathroom. The bathroom was completely spotless with high ceilings, and spacious area. I sat on the toilet, with the toilet seat down. I dialed up the familiar number.

"Hello? Simon? Why are you calling me?"

"Well, you should call Bekka more. She misses you, and she wants you. You should arrange a day with you and her. I'm sure she'll like it." I grinned. If Bekka went with him, then I could have Wes all to myself.

"Uh, well. Isn't she with Wes?" He seemed a bit busy on the other line, there was hefty music in the background.

"No. Trust me."

"Okay, I'll give her a call, I guess," Kaiden said apprehensively.



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