Chapter Thirty Two - Reinforced Relationships

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Song Recommedation "Zombie" by The Cranberries

Reinforced Relatonships


We fell asleep during the movie, which in my opinion was pretty romantic and cool. Ami had checked on us in the morning and had given me a look before closing the door again. During the night, Wes had been tossing and turning, mumbling apologies over and over again. I wondered what were his nightmares even about.

When I woke up in the morning, Wes had his leg thrown over my hip and we were somewhat cuddling. I grew really hot. Didn't guys have err--morning wood in the mornings? I tried to wriggle out of Wes' tight grip on me. It didn't hurt it was just uncomfortable, slightly. Wes snored lightly in my ear and his hair was a complete tangled mess. This was the first time I had ever seen Wes' hair in such a disarray. I kinda liked it. 

I tried to wriggle my way out of his death grip a second time. This time he loosened his grip sightly and moved his leg from over my hip. I got up quickly, stretching my body and yawning quietly.

I stared out the window and my eyes widened. It was snowing. A grin appeared on my face. It was a new year already fresh start. Sure, I missed Christmas and New Year's being in my depression, but that didn't stop me from being really happy that I get to start anew again.

Wes yawned loudly and sat up. His hair stood up on all ends and it made me giggle. Wes scowled and his beautiful eye landed on me. "What you laughing at shortly?" His voice rumbled. It was thick with sleepiness. Girls, if you are graced with hearing a guy's voice in the morning, bless your life.

"You," I smiled.

He sauntered towards me and cupped my face. I stared up at him and smiled wider. Wesley leamed forwards and kissed me tenderly. "Good morning."

"Good morning," I turned around back to the window. "It's snowing."

"Perhaps you want to go out and enjoy the snow?"

"I would love to."


I raised my head and screamed in frustration from behind my fort. "Hey!" I frowned.

Wesley chuckled from down the street. There were no cars around due to the fact the snow was so deep that cars could barely pass. The street was ours. We were free to use it in any way we needed. I so loved the winter in New York. I had never seen snow in person in all honesty, but I kept that a secret. Although, I think it was pretty obvious since how I was acting. The snow was so cold and pretty. The TV shows and movies didn't do justice. Playing with the snow in person was way better.

Wesley was completely whooping my ass though. I'd been hit in the head and face several times now. He was a natural born cold killer. Heartless towards lil ole' me. It had taken a while for me to make a proper snowball to fight him back, but once I did I got two good shots in.

Several minutes later, I had finally given up and charged at him. Well, as could I could run due to the twelve inch snow. Wes stood up and his eyes grew wide as I jumped on top of him, my coat giving the extra weight I needed to bring him down. Wes immediately fell to the ground and I grabbed snow with my frozen hands covered in my wool mittens. I shoved the snow in his eyes, mouth, and down his jacket.

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