Chapter Thirty One - Unbroken Lights

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Song Recommendation: "Waiting in Vain" by The Story So Far

Song Recommendation: "Waiting in Vain" by The Story So Far

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Unbroken Lights

Bekka opened the door and there was Ami, passed out on the couch. I could imagine that Ami was probably waiting for Bekka to come back. Bekka grabbed my hand and led me into her room quietly.

"Well, I guess you're not sleeping on the couch tonight," Bekka plopped over to her bed and grabbed her remote, turning on the TV. "Late night movies?"

I stepped forward and grinned. "Sounds cool." I've been to Bekka's room multiple times, but tonight seemed different. I no longer felt like a visitor just coming in to see it. No I felt like I was a part of her life and her room. I took off my jacket and put it on her rack that she had on her door.

Bekka flipped channels, trying to find a good movie. She frowned and swtiched to Netflix. She grabbed the slim keyboard that was at the foot of her bed. She flipped through Netlfix using the keyboard. "So which movie?"

"I've never watched The Notebook, honestly," I replied as I settled into bed next to her.

"Oh god, hell no. Let's watch something less sad," Bekka grinned.

"What happened to house guests choice?" I snickered.

Bekka shoved me with her shoulder, "shush."

"Ooh! How about Juno?" I pointed at the left top part of the screen.

"You only want to watch it just because of Ellen Page, " Bekka gave me a pointed look. Fuck, she was cute. I just wanted to kiss her.

"No, I want to watch it because it's cool."

"How about What If?" Bekka turned to me.

"You only want to watch it just because of Daniel Radcliffe," I stuck my tongue at her.

"Wallace is hot, shush," Bekka blushed.

I couldn't take it. I tackled her cute self. I started tickling her everywhere. Bekka screamed in my ear, trying to throw me off. I straddled her and tickled her sides, "He's ugly right?"

Bekka screamed, "no!" Her cheecks were flushed and she was usingher short legs to throw me off.

I laughed and pinned her arms over her head. "Succumb!"

"Fine! Wallace is ugly! Oh my god!" Bekka giggled and tooked deep breaths, trying to get back to her senses.

I paused and stared at her looking up at me. Her lips parted instantly, giving me the okay to go ahead and just kiss her senseless. She raised her head up to close the distance between us. Our lips met and geez, I just loved kissing her. Kissing her was just perfect. It was like all the gift giving holidays just put together. It was like a cup of nice hot chocolate on a snowy day. It was like a nice cold shower on a humid day. It was just what I needed to just keep me going. These weren't kisses that I didn't want. They were kisses that I absolutely, irrevocably needed. These were my lifelines, my recharges. This wasn't like Jazzy. Bekka's kisses weren't just full of lust. It was full of all things good, warmth, love. Just everything that I completely ever wanted. I would totally say I loved this girl. Everything about her.

Bekka Rose was my life. My happiness. She made me a better person. She made me a person that I wanted to stare at in the mirror and have a conversation with. Bekka was just that type of person. She made you wanted to do good/ She made everyone instantly happy. Everyone that didn't like her was just jealous and wanted to be her. Beck was a goddess, that no one could ever quite reach. She was the quintessence of the purest white aura. Hell, I didn't deserve her. I had done nothing to deserve her. I needed to treat her better. Way better. She was to be cherished, not thrown away or forgotten.

"Why are you so amazing?" I murmured.

Bekka stared up at me, her eyes full of unshed tears. She was smiling, like really smiling. I haven't seen her smile like that in weeks. "Wesley, you know I really like you right?"

I sat up and leaned against she mountain of pillows she had against her headboard. "Yes. I know."

"And I want a relationship with you, but I just feel that I haven't given enough time to grieve for my mother, plus I have to figure out this whole dad situation," Bekka explained.

I quirked a brow at her. "What?"

Bekka stood up and grabbed a box that was in the corner of her bedroom. She sat back down and opened it. There was a mess of papers inside of it, along with envelopes. "There's letters in here that was addressed to my mom. This dude named Jaysen Colt could be my dad."

"What to your dad? Well, Jared Rose," I said, folding my legs.

Bekka grabbed a letter and then looked at me. "He died when I was little. I think he had a heart attack or something like that. I knew something was fishy. This Jaysen Colt man cheated on my mom with her sister. My aunt Marg loves to travel. I knew that, but I didn't know she was travelling with my biological father."

"We'll figure it all out soon, I promise. But for now, let's just relax, you've just about finished finals."

Bekka nodded. "Can I ask you something Wes?"

I nodded, "Anything."

"How did you stop your drug addiction?" she asked.

My eyes grew wide. Whoa, that was a loaded question. I wasn't expecting that. I frowned and tried remembering what did I exactly do to get clean. "Ah well, I locked myself up in my room. I cleared out anything harmful. I told Grace to lock me in. I went through intense withdrawals for three weeks. It was hell. I had done heroine and the withdrawals with that are pretty shitty. I mean that literally. I threw up and took pretty watery dumps for days. It was really gross and just pitiful. I was shaking and I was always cold. I was skinnier than Nelson. Grace only fed me bread and water. She would give me some sugar water, but that was it. As I felt myself getting better, I went to a mini rehab drug group therapy. Jem was there with me. We went together just getting clean. I don't take any type of medication, since I don't want to get addicted ever again.'

Bekka stared at me with eyes wide. "Were you ever addicted to prescription pills?"

I raised my brow and narrowed my eyes. Why was she asking these very specific questions? Was there something she was hiding from me? "Beks, tell me what's going on, please."

Bekka stared at me with wide frightened eyes. "I think I need help. I've been taking Xanax tied with Adderall and I am worried that I might be taking too much, or that I'm addicted. I can't stop Wes it feels too great to stop. I don't want to stop, but deep inside I know I have to stop. I don't want it to get dangerous."

I tensed. She was getting high off pills? Was this because of her mother? I sighed. "Give me the bottles."

Beck got up hesitantly and stepped towards the other side of her room. She took out two little prescription bottles and handed them to me. I stood up and lend her to the attached bathroom. I opened both bottles wordlessly and dumped them all in the toilet. I then proceeded to flush them. Turning to Bekka, I half smiled. "If you feel you need a pill, you just come talk to me. Your addiction will go away in no time. I'm glad you realized you needed to stop, especially before it was too late."

Bekka hugged me tightly. "Thank you Wesley."

"Anytime babe."

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