Chapter Seven - Party Crashers

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Song Recommendation: "It's About Time" by Young The Giant

Song Recommendation: "It's About Time" by Young The Giant

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Party Crashers

Did he just ditch me? I was completely shocked. One minute he's slow dancing with me and the next he just breaks out. I wrapped my arms around myself. I hated to be alone. Why did he do this!?

I looked down and looked to where he ran out. I started to follow him. I don't know where he went, but if I could just locate the general area, it would be better than looking stupid and staying there. I knew no one here. I raised my head and looked to see if that blonde was still around. Oasis was her name. I think.

This reminded me of that night. Luca and Nelson ditching me. Dylan nowhere to be found. Eventually we all found each other though, although Nelson was wasted. He lied that he was. He said he was fine. He wasn't.

"Lepeka? What are you doing here?" Kai's familiar drawl surfaced next to me.

"Lepeka?" I raised a brow.

"It's Rebekka in Hawaiian," Kai half smiled.

Last time I saw him was yesterday. Him and Wes were going to fight. Kaiden was bad news. I quickly started to walk away. Kaiden quickly sidestepped me. "Wait, I wanted to apologize to you for the way I acted. It didn't occur to me that you're not those type of girls. You are a lady and I should treat you as such. Not like a gutter rat."

I raised a brow. "Okay, you shouldn't just a girl based on appearance."

"No, it wasn't your appearance, Lepeka. It was the fact you were with Wesley," Kaiden's eyes fell to mine quickly, then they looked away. He ran a hand through his long hair and gave me a sincere look.

"Who cares if I hang out with Wesley?" I folded my arms and glared at him.

"He's no good. Stay away from him," Kai spoke with such apprehension, I almost as going to follow his orders.

"Funny, that's what he said about you." I rolled my eyes.

Kai sighed. "Listen, it will not end well for you. We were all in a band together. He's a drug addict. He will pull you down with him. If you leave now, you'll be safe."

I raised a brow. I knew how drug addicts were. Wesley wasn't like the ones I knew. I folded my arms. "Enlighten me then."

Kai looked surprised. "Come with me to the kitchen, it's quieter."

I nodded and he held out his hand. I slapped it away and just grabbed on to his shirt so it could be easy to maneuver around and through the crowd.

Once we made it to the kitchen, Kai looked at a couple doing. . . Well--erm, wild things with whipped cream. Kai shook his head. "At least go upstairs for fuck's sake."

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