Chapter Thirty Seven - Saying Hello and Why

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Thirty Seven

Saying Hello and Why


I already started packing my things and I still didn't know how to get there. I couldn't drive all the way over there because of my fear. I was stuck in a situation that I couldn't think how to get out of. Kaiden had offered to come with me, but I didn't think that was right. I felt like I would be betraying Wesley in someway by going on a roadtrip with Kaiden. I asked Ami if she wanted to come with me, but she was too swept up in her new job to do so.

I didn't know what to do.

My phone started ringing and I grabbed it, noting that it was Jazzy. "Hello?"

"Sup cousin. What are you doing?" Jazmyne sounded like a total bitch. Her voice did this thing where it went more high pitched, making her sound like on of those girls from Mean Girls.

I rolled my eyes. "Packing. What do you want?"

"I just wanted to let you know that I went through so many hoops to get that address. You better develop a relationship with him. Also, Wesley tasted good last night. He wanted to let you know he had a great time with me rather than you. Anyways, enjoy your trip. Bye."

I narrowed my eyes. This fucking bitch. She just had to ruin something that was starting to go good. I took a deep breath before deciding to dial Wes.

It went to voicemail.

I stood up and started packing faster, trying to get my anger out on my clothes.

Ami knocked on my room door. "Whoa, those poor clothes did nothing to you."

"Did I wake you?"

Ami smiled and shook her head. "I needed to wake up anyways. Are you done packing?" She stepped forward and passed me a steaming cup of coffee. I took it and drank a sip.

"No. Almost."

"I really am sorry I can't go with you." Ami frowned, she really did want to come, but she was working at an editing company and it would be a good opportunity for her.

"Its fine. I reslly need to do this for myself anyways." I smiled, but I know she knew that I didn't mean it.

"What's gotten you in a rut, girl?"

"Jazmyne, she called me, mentioning that she did something with Wes. I called him and it went to voicemail."

"You need to DTR and stat," Ami said pointedly to me.

I nodded. "We're taking it slow, but I don't know how slow."

"Talk to him about it. Communication is very important." Ami turned around and walked out my room/

I guess she was right. Communication was something very important in relationships. If there was no communication, there would be no relationship. I called Wes up again, hoping he would pick up.

"Hey Beks." Wes said.

 "Hey, um Jazmyne called and she hinted that you guys hung out last night. Is that true?" I decided getting to the point would be smart.

"Yeah we did. Is that a problem?"

"Well," I drifted off and stared at the wall. "Yeah, it is a problem. She's your ex."

"Well, when were you going to tell me about Kaiden being over your house?" Wes countered.

"I didn't think I had to tell you that. He's my friend. Not my ex." I snapped, my annoyance growing.

"Oh yeah. I forgot, you already let an ex go over to you house and even stay there," Wes darted out.

I felt a stab of hurt at my chest. That was a low blow. "Wow. Okay. Fine. Just to let you know. I'm going to Seattle with Kaiden."

I hung up the phone and took a deep breath. Ami was at the door, her eyebrows raised. "Wow, you totally communicated there."

I put my face in my hands. "I just got mad."

"That was bad. Are you gonna call him back?"

I shook my head. I would fix that later. However, maybe I should accept Kaiden's offer. When I said it, it made sense. He did help me with finding where my dad was.

Dialing up Kaiden, I smiled ready for my roadtrip.



 I stared at my phone for was seemed like hours, but only minutes passed by. I can't believe she was actually going to Seattle with fucking Kai. Grabbing my jacket and a beanie, I slipped out the house and got on my motorcycle. On about two hours of sleep, I rode to Kai's house about thirty minutes later.

I walked up the porch steps and rang the doorbell, waitng for him to answer. It took about five minutes before he answered.  Kai opened the door, sweatpants slung low and shirtless. His hair was in disarray and he looked like he had a rough night. Kai stared at me a grinned. "Wesley, how's it going?"

"Take that smug look off your face, dumbass," I snapped as I pushed past him into his house.

Kai motioned for me to come in sarcastically. Then he closed the door. "What's up brah?"

"When were you going to tell me that you're taking Bekka across the country?" I hollered, slamming my hands on his kitchen island table.

"I didn't know I was obligated to do so," Kaiden raised a brow, "I offered her my driving services and she accepted. That's all. There's nothing else, but your insecurities affecting you."

"I swear man, if you such as try to kiss her, I'll fucking kill you," If Kaiden so much as even thought about it I would find some way to hurt him. There was no way I was going to let him go on that trip with Bekka.

Kaiden shook his head. "She's not into me like that. She told me herself. I'm not gonna lie. I attempted to kiss her, but she rejected me saying she cares about you too much to kiss me. She wants you bro. Don't worry about me. I know when I'm not wanted."

"You better not pull a Jazzy, I swear," I ran a hand through my hair, adjusting my beanie. "Bekka, isn't like that man. She's different."

"I respect her Wes. Jazzy was different and you know that," Kaiden explained, he looked down his hallway and frowned, "plus there's a girl in my bed, bro. Best believe I won't go after your girl."

Brows raised, my anger evaporated and I started to walk away to his door. Just before I left, Kaiden said, "Make sure you see her off."


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