Chapter Twenty Four - Dormant Fire

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Song Recommendation: "Yellow Shirt" by The Icarus Account

Song Recommendation: "Yellow Shirt" by The Icarus Account

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Dormant Fire

The next day I didn't even come out of my mom's room. A part of me knew Christmas passed, but I didn't care. I was at my old home now, having complete ownership of it. All of my mom's assets were now mine. Her car, house, office, money. I didn't know how I felt about it. Indifferent, I guess.

Being locked in mom's room felt good. Being surrounded with her smell and stuff just made me forget she was even gone. Being tangled in her bed was like she was giving me a hug and never was letting go. It was cuddly.

I turned over and grabbed my phone. I turned it on after a night of it off. I needed to drag myself out slowly. First, with a good book to order. Maybe the Diary of An Oxygen Thief was a good book to order. Ami had recommended it to me. Matter of fact, it was time to text my friends from New York. They were probably concerned.

I checked my messages and saw Ami's spam messages and voicemails asking if I was okay. I replied quickly that I was fine. Kaiden texted wanting to meet up sometime. I smiled and agreed to it. Craig also messaged me. Replied to that too. Lastly, Wes messaged me. A smile instantly went to my face. I missed him. I opened his text thread.

My heart dropped.

There it was. A no subject picture of Wes and Jazmyne kissing. It was a bit blurry and dark, but it was no doubt that it was Jazmyne kissing Wes. There was a message on the bottom, 'Yours Truly, Jaz'. Anger curled in my gut. So me being gone made him run straight for her. Fine, two could play at that game. If he wants to be kissing girls when he said he wanted to be with me, then fine. I wasn't angry at the fact he kissed a girl. I was angry at the fact I opened myself up to believe that we could work. I was dumb for thinking that. He loved his ex. He would always will.

I shot up from my bed. I needed to stop wallowing in pity. The one thing I hated, I was doing. Pitying myself. I needed to brush myself off. Do something fun or new. Get my mind of everything.

After my shower that I had finally taken after two days, I got dressed and grabbed my bag. I opened the door. There was Nelson, half smiling at me. I pushed past him. "I'm leaving, don't wait up. I'll be gone the whole evening."

"Where are you going?" Nelson asked, his eyebrows knitting.

"Out," I snapped, "alone."

Nelson nodded. "Okay, I'll catch up with you later."

My eyes wandered down the aisle. I knew that the store owner was cool with Luca, Nelson and Dylan a long time ago. He gave them alcohol and stuff. If he saw me he most likely would give me what I seeked. I grabbed two bottles of whiskey and walked to the register. "One pack of Marlboro."

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