Chapter Thirty Four - Nasty Reveals

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A/N: hey guys I hope your Thanksgiving was amazing. And sorry I haven't been updating, I've been super busy, but maybe now I can catch up, enjoy !

Story Recommendation: "A Perfect End" by Atlas Genius

Story Recommendation: "A Perfect End" by Atlas Genius

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Thirty Four

I was chilling on my couch, cuddled in my burrito blanket with popcorn, with my newly dyed hair in a messy bun. Enjoying the wonderful afternoon of doing nothing.

However, someone started knocking on my door frantically. Their knocks were sporadic and hard.

"Who?" I yelled loudly, putting on my fuzzy slippers.

"Open the door," A female voice snapped

Unlocking the door in annoyance, I was astonished about who was on the other side. My eyes drifted from her stiletto heels and her long dark hair that was picked up in an empire ponytail. She wore a white peacoat, while adorning a fluffy brown purse. My eyes narrowed at hers, while raising a lip in disgust.

The taller girl looked back at me, a haughty grin on her face.

Jazmyne was right at my door.

Jazmyne pushed past me, stepping into my kitchen, her heels clicking on the wood.

"Sure, just waltz in," I snapped.

Jazmyne looked around, her penciled in eyebrows raised. "You live here?"

"No, I live in a pineapple under the sea, I'm just house sitting," Giving Jaz the 'duh' look, I opened my fridge and pulled out the milk, ready to make myself another helping of frosted flake goodness.

"Is that. . .milk?" Jazmyne asked.

"These dumb questions are really getting to me," I snapped, remembering what Wes told me while we were on our date.

Jazmyne was the typical trust fund baby. She was spoiled to hell and basically an all around brat. She was hella judgmental and everything she said was said with a sneer on her face. Jazmyne was the Regina George of New York. She was that head cheerleader.

What Wes saw in her besides her height and hair was beyond me.

"So what do you want?" I asked, shoving a spoonful of milky frosted flake yumminess into my mouth.

"I want you to stay away from Wesley," She folded her arms, glaring at me.

I stared at her false eyelashes, wondering that if she blinked too hard would she fly away. I then processed her words and choked on my cereal.

"You want me to stay away from Wesley? What are we, highscoolers?" I finished my plate and washed it throughly. Turning back around, I folded my arms. "I can't do that. Him and I have something and I am not going to let you ruin it."

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