Chapter Twelve - Intense Apologies

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Song Recommendation: "Comin' Home" by City and Colour

Song Recommendation: "Comin' Home" by City and Colour

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Intense Apologies

I was completely exhausted. I never got to write my paper that was due tomorrow during the weekend. Nelson was just pestering me the whole damn weekend and made me show him around. I wrote a very angry text message to my mother about the whole situation, but then I realized that's what she wanted. She wanted me to get angry and speak to her. Well, I wasn't going to let her win.

I knew for sure Wes wouldn't be at the café since he had a class, so I took it upon myself to go over there and help out. I bumped into Ami on the way out of NYU so I invited her to come along to get to know her better. She could also help me on my paper, hopefully.

"Thanks for inviting me Bekka," Ami smiled.

I turned to her. "As long as you don't mind me working a little at the same time I'm hanging with you."

"It's fine, I need to study for an exam I have in two hours anyways."

"Awesome. Well, here we are." I held open the café door to Ami. She nodded in thanks and walked in.

Craig raised his head, "oh! Hey Bekka."

"Hey, how you're doing?"

"Good, good. Who's this? A friend of yours?" Craig set down his book and smiled.

"Yes, this is my friend Ami. She'll be studying here and stuff."

"Cool, cool. Um, so you could take over the coffee area today?" Craig got up quickly and walked to the back.

Hm, he was acting weird today. I turned to Ami. "Come sit by the counter."

Ami looked around as she followed me. "This place looks pretty awesome."

"Yeah it really is. It's like a second home to me."

"That's nice. Everyone needs something like that. A second home to escape their own." Ami looked down at her book. She reached into her bag and took out a laptop.

"Exactly. You want some coffee? It's on the house."

"Oh! Sure. Thanks Bekka."

"Of course, how you want it?"

"Tall, sweet and dark. Just like my men," Ami laughed.

I chuckled, "that was corny."

"It was pretty corny, wasn't it?"

I started preparing her cup. "The corniest of the corny." I turned around and handed her coffee to her.

I raised my gaze up higher and saw Craig come out the back room. Right after him, I saw Wes come out. My heart jumped. Why was he here? I was so sure he had class. I looked down and pretended to pick up a book from the floor. I sat on the floor and took a deep breath.

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