Chapter Twenty One - Destructive Beauty

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A/N: hey guys, theres a part here that deals with self harm again, if it triggers or bothers you ill put an asterisk and bold the word where it starts,
Remember! If you ever need advice don't hesitate to pm me or asking for help from people you trust. Self harm is a serious problem. It is not to be ignored. Love you all 💕


Song Recommendation: "To All of You" by Syd Matters

Song Recommendation: "To All of You" by Syd Matters

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Destructive Beauty

The flight to Oklahoma was stressing me out. I had no patience. Especially cause I didn't know how injured my mother was. Apparently, she was in surgery. Nelson found out by his mother calling him. I was very grateful for Nelson to be here for me. I was a mess, but Nelson was helping me out. He helped me pack my bags as quick as I could. We got last minute one way tickets to OK.

The drive to Gravon was tense, I was completely numb. Devoid of emotion. I didn't allow myself to feel anything until I saw mom. She needed to be okay. I couldn't live without my mother. She was the only family member I had left. Dad was gone, Luca dead. My mother was my best friend. I confided in her. Sure, I was ignoring her lately, but I was angered that she left me.

"She's going to be okay, Bekka," Nelson grabbed my hand and squeezed.

I nodded, "yes."

"There's been an intense drought here from what I heard from my mom. You'll have to be careful walking around and driving. The grounds pretty dry and cracked. There's potholes everywhere. That's probably how your mom got into the accident," Nelson looked out the car window.

"Yeah, what hit her?"

"She crashed into a traffic light pole. It knocked down to her car," Nelson said, his voice thick.

We only had one traffic light in Gravon. If that's the one he was talking about, then I would be shocked. It wasn't easy to crash into that pole. You really had to be out of the road to hit that. Plus, that pole was indestructible. For it to fall on my mother's car. . . Oh god.

Please let her be okay.

Mom was my hero. Every time I felt left out or alone, she would come to my rescue. Luca and I idolized her. Mom wasn't just a mother. She was a sister, a best friend. She was so strong. When dad left, she was fine. When her parents died, she was strong. When Luca died, she cried, but only because I had to go through the pain of finding out him dying. My mother handled other people's problems well. She helped many. Mom was like this superhuman. Every time I would go somewhere in Oklahoma, people never forgot to remind me about how awesome she was. I never understood why she did it though. Why did she always feel the need to become everyone's superhero?.

"We're here, Bekka."

I shot out the car. I stumbled towards the hospital. Gravon General Hospital. Nelson was steady behind me as I walked into the main lobby. There wasn't much people around and it was silent. Probably since this was the beginning of the Thanksgiving break. I hated the smell of hospitals. It smelled like false hope and despair. The white walls were too bleak. It just was death house. Sure some people survived, but I had only lost things here. 

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