Chapter Nine - Newfound Determination

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Song Recommendation: "In These Arms" by The Swell Season

Song Recommendation: "In These Arms" by The Swell Season

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Newfound Determination

"Wait, Bekka moved?" I stared at Miss Pearl who worked at the local market.

Miss Pearl half smiled. "Just 'bout a munth ago."

I raised my eyebrow, shocked that they actually moved. Bekka had yelled at me just before she did. I tried calling and texting her, but she never answered. Well. . . She had a right to do so. After. . . After what I did to her. "Do you know where?" I asked.

"To one of 'em cities, I reckon'. Where dem yuppies er at," Miss Pearl explained.

"New York?" I asked.

Miss Pearl nodded and continues packing my groceries. I pick up my bag and make my way back to the house. I see Suzy near the pond, playing with some ducks. "Suz! It's supper time."

She raised her head and nodded. "Okay!"

I continued to walk towards the house. Making my way to the kitchen, I grabbed a load of plates that were on the coffee table. I placed them in the sink.

I had a therapy session with Doctor Katie Rose today. This was about the end of my physiological evaluation. They made a mistake though. Doctor Rose moved with Bekka in tow. They would have to change my therapist.

My mother trudged into the kitchen. She glared at me as she walked passed. "Where's Suzy?" She slurred.

"Getting ready for dinner," I mumbled. She hated me. I know she did.

"Nelson, what did I tell you about those fucking no lifers putting church invitations in the damn groceries!" Mom screamed as she threw the stack of church invitations at me.

I sighed and picked them up. Mom grabbed the things she needed and walked back to her room.

"You're not gonna have dinner with us?" I shouted.

I didn't hear an answer back, so I sighed again and started preparing dinner. After Suz ate, she would have to go to the neighbors, since there was no way in Hell I would leave her with mom. Knowing mom, she would go to the nearest bar, get drunk, bring some random guy and say that was Suzy's dad. That environment wasn't safe for my little sister.

Suz walked in the kitchen. "What's for dinner, Nelly?"

"Pasta," I mumbled.

Suz grinned. "My favorite."

I half smiled. "Would you like to help?"

Suz nodded enthusiastically. "Yes please."

"Okay good, wash your hands first."

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