Chapter 1

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It was almost midnight. The lights were glimmering on the streets. The roads were glistening because of the sudden drizzle of rain. The cars drove by, making a slight whizzing sound as they raced on the wet road. The destination could be anywhere. Any place in the city that could help people relieve the week's stress. It was a Friday night and the city of New Central Harbor, with its towering skyscrapers, busy streets and dynamic nightlife, was still alive and awake, still buzzing with activity.

Who needs sleep, when you can stay up all night?

The clubs were overflowing and huge queues lined the sidewalk to every one of them. People were hustling to get in, only to get an angry stare from the bouncer. The restaurants were packed as well. Couples, families, friends, all were enjoying the atmosphere and the delicate preparations of the house. Reservations had been made days in advance.

A young woman wearing a red dress stepped out of one of such restaurants. Her shoulder length brown hair bouncing with each step. She stopped and turned around to look at her date following behind closely.

"I am so sorry, Daniel. I didn't wanna ruin the night. But I am allergic to shellfish." She apologized with a sorrowful face.

The man flustered slightly, shook his head in response, "It's alright. I mean, I really didn't know. You didn't say anything when I ordered."

She looked surprised and exclaimed, "Really? I thought I told you." She shrugged and pointed to the take-away bag in his hand, "But you like shellfish, right? So it's not a total loss."

"Yeah, I guess." He said softly and didn't look to be convinced. He looked at her, staring intently at her face, "You don't seem to have any symptoms though. I mean, you look fine. No swelling, no redness. Are you sure you're allergic?"

She gulped, realizing that her lie may have been caught but tried to save herself by pretending to get offended. "Are you accusing me of lying? Would you prefer that I ate some more and got rushed to the hospital. Or worse die!" She said with a shocked look.

He stepped back, thinking that he may have pushed too hard, "I...I didn't mean to say that. I'm sorry. Jessie, don't be mad. Please." He reached out to hold her hand and suggested, "Maybe I should drop you home. Hmm?"

She simply nodded in agreement and he turned his attention to one of the empty cabs. He pulled the door open to let her enter and after she did, he got in and the cab raced ahead.

Inside the cab, Jessie stared outside the window, watching the buildings outside zoom by. The little streams of rain on the window glass created fascinating patterns. For some odd reason, she turned to look at the man sitting next to her.

Daniel Messner - 29 years old, senior accountant, curly, dark blonde hair, grey eyes, sharp nose, average height and medium build.

The list ran through her mind. He had been employed in the same firm as her, in the accounts division. Her interaction with him had been only accounts related. He had relentlessly pursued her for the past five months.

Well, he had never really asked her out. He had always hovered around. But word around the office was that he was simply mustering the courage to do so. And she had tried to avoid him at all times. When she found out he had resigned and was leaving in a month, she was relieved.

But her relief was short lived because few days later, when they met in the cafeteria, he asked her out in front of everyone. She had become embarrassed and quickly agreed just to make him leave. She had somehow managed to convince him to wait till after he started work at his new office.

He had reluctuntly agreed.

The date however had been a disaster right from the get go. They had decided to meet at the theatre near their office building. He had suggested that they should go see a movie and then dinner. Jessie didn't care what they did, as long as their date would be short and uneventful, she was fine. But she had been wrong, so wrong.

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