Chapter 24

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"No, I said that I need it with the display lights too, not with the crispy whites blue. That doesn't even make any sense." Jessie said in a frustrated tone of voice.

The presentation was the next day itself and unfortunately for Jessie, she was facing communication issues with the model maker.

Jessie continued to check her drawings on the computer one by one. One of her hands was furiously sliding the computer mouse on the pad while the other tapped away on the keyboard. As if this wasn't challenging enough, Jessie sat with the phone's receiver carefully balanced between her left shoulder and left ear. This position had become her favorite one since the past week. Ever since Jessie had her drawings sent to the model shop, she had been following up with them every step of the way. One of the model makers had suggested that she have herself re-located in their model shop as opposed to increasing her company's monthly telephone bill. Jessie had found it humorous but a total waste of time.

All Jessie wanted was perfection.

This project was at a stage where it was like preparing yourself for a first date. It didn't matter what kind of personality you had or how beautiful you were on the inside or about the special skills you possessed. As long as you were dressed to kill, the guy was a goner. In this case, the project was the girl, the model was the dress and the guy was the client. All that mattered was to get the account in the bag and for that to happen all Jessie had to do was to ensure that the model was impeccable. Because it doesn't matter whether it is a date or a presentation, it is always the looks that count.

Jessie shook her head in disbelief as the person on the other end continued to explain. She didn't believe it even for a second. Finally, after listening to another five minutes of excuses it was time for Jessie to speak. She replied, "Mr. Bowman, I've reminded you several times already that I wanted to see the finished product at least a day prior to the meeting. You told me it could be done. I told you specifically that the meeting was on the twenty-fifth. You said that it will be delivered a day before. Then I said that I'd appreciate it if you could send it by four o' clock. You said it'll be here at three. Today is the twenty-fourth and the time is four forty-five. So tell me something, am I wrong in assuming that the model should have been here an hour and forty-five minutes ago?"

The rest of her colleagues were mere silent spectators as Jessie continued to reprimand the model maker for the delay.

Her colleagues had been her support throughout the past few weeks. Each had helped her in one way or the other. Penelope had given Jessie several drawings as reference. Sam had helped render the drawings. While Neal was actually helping her prepare for the presentation itself. There had been several days when they worked till late in the evening and had to be reminded by the security personnel that it was too late to leave and that they should simply wait back. In the past couple of weeks, Jessie had finally begun to feel like she belonged here.

“Mr. Bowman, I hear what you’re saying but what if I want some last minute changes made,” Jessie tried to reason with him. “It will not be possible tomorrow.”

Jessie turned to her left as she realized Penelope staring at her. She shrugged her shoulders in question as she continued to listen to Mr. Bowman on the other end of the line. Penelope mouthed something to her which Jessie could barely make out. Jessie’s eyes darted all around as Penelope made some very strange hand movements. ‘Why are we playing charades when I’m in the middle of finishing my work?’

“What?” Jessie mouthed.

Penelope raised her hand as an indication of asking her to wait. She quickly took a paper and scribbled something on it. Jessie ignored it and returned to the phone call. She said, “Thank you. I’m glad we are finally on the same page.”

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