Chapter 27

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Jessie took the syrup jar from the table and poured it over her pancakes. She was back at ‘Brunch to Lunch’ very early in the morning. There were a few people besides her in the restaurant. Some busy with their food; others reading the newspapers while sipping on coffee. Each trying to get their early morning energy boost that would last till lunch at the very least. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air. To Jessie it was intoxicating to say the least and found it to lift her spirits almost immediately.

Jessie had called Taylor the night before and told her about getting the project. Taylor had screamed so loudly in excitement that Jessie had to pull her phone away from her ears and could still hear the supersonic scream. Taylor was squealing so loudly that Jessie was sure that using the speaker function of her cell phone was not even necessary. Taylor had congratulated her and told her that this caused for a celebration and that Jessie should at least treat her to a hearty breakfast. Jessie couldn't agree more.

So, this morning while Jessie was getting ready for the day, Taylor had called up and informed her that she would be late.

"Someone's been having some late night fun I suppose," Jessie had teased.

To which Taylor had very sneakily said, "Jessie, I'm a married woman. What I do is what every married woman does. You'll know when you get there."

Jessie groaned and said, "Sure. That'll happen the day I do find Mr. Right. Till then, who knows."

"What do you mean by 'the day you do find Mr. Right’? You don't think Aaron is Mr. Right?"

"Aaron is fun. I mean, I have fun with him. He's charming, very polite and well mannered. He's one of a kind," Jessie said while chosing her words carefully.

"Uh oh…," Taylor remarked.

"What do you mean 'Uh oh'?" Jessie asked in return.

"By that I mean that you don't sound very convinced that Aaron could be the one."

"I don't know Tay. It's just the beginning," Jessie began to explain. "It's all very exciting and intriguing right now. I want to know more about him, he wants to do the same and we go do all these crazy things. It's all very fascinating. But, I'm sure there will come a time when all this will just feel monotonous and then we'd find it hard to find something in common with each other."

"You sound like you've made up your mind about this."

"No! I haven’t made up my mind about anything," Jessie exclaimed realizing that she hadn’t made her point very clear.

"Then what's bugging you?"


"Jessica! I know the way you sound when you second guess things and this is just what you're doing right now."

Jessie softly said, "You're right. Something is bothering me. I'm worried that when Aaron and I do get to that boring stage in our relationship, the boredom will tear us apart like it did with Jason. I don't want to go through all that again."

"You can't possibly think that this relationship will be just like the one you had with Jason. They are two different people. And to be honest, Aaron sounds like he's more fun to be with.”

Jessie smiled and said, "You're just saying that to make me feel better."

"No, I really mean it. He's bringing out the adventurous part of you." Taylor paused for a bit and continued," Jessie, do you know why I love Brandon? I love him because he brings out the best qualities in me, the ones I didn't know I had."

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