Chapter 3

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She would have enjoyed the piano music being played in the hall, if only she wasn't searching for the rude man from earlier. In her attempt to find him as soon as possible, Jessie bumped and brushed against practically every person that crossed her path. Finding Taylor wasn't her priority at the moment. Her eyes darted across the room but failed to spot the man.

"Jessie! Over here!"

She turned around at the shrill voice and saw Taylor waving at her furiously, her face beaming with joy. And just as Mrs. White had said, she was near the chocolate fountain. Her dress made of silver tulle, gleamed in the soft light streaming in from the large windows and a small pearl clip adorned her hair. Taylor had definitely picked up some of her mother-in-laws' style. 'Maybe I should spend more time with Mrs. White.' She thought.

Jessie walked swiftly towards her, observing her friend and the people around her along the way. Taylor was surrounded by most of the waiters. They were in white shirts, black vests and black pants; the trademark of being a waiter. Each meticulously dressed, holding a tray under their arms and listening intently. She seemed to be giving out instructions. Her hands waved around, pointing sometimes to the fountain or the glasses or to the guests.

Just as Jessie reached her, the waiters moved away and Taylor leaned in to hug her, "Oh my God! I thought you were going to ditch me at the last minute! Have you seen the time?"

Jessie straightened up and made a sorry face," I'm sorry. I woke up late, plus it took ages for me to get a cab. But, here I am. I hope you approve." She opened her arms and gave a small twirl for Taylor to see.

"I am impressed. You paid attention." Taylor said as she nodded.

"I did. I remember the look you gave me the last time I came to one of these things."

Taylor widened her eyes in shock and said, "Jessie, you wore a t-shirt and tattered jeans!"

"You said it was casual."

"Casual doesn't mean worse for wear." Taylor chided.

"Taylor, you said it was going to be people our age. I had no idea they were going to be dressed like their grandparents." Jessie defended.

Taylor raised her hands in defeat, "You know what? I give up. You're here. And you're dressed for the occasion. That's all that matters."

Jessie sighed in relief. The worst was over. Taylor handed her a champagne flute with some orange drink in it. She took a sip and stared at the glass in amazement. It was delicious.

"I knew you'd like it. It's a mimosa."

Jessie nodded in agreement and looked around, "Taylor, I have to say. You have done an awesome job today. I mean, look at this place. It's beautiful."

"Thank you. I think I'm getting the hang of it. It's really not that bad, except for some of the people here." Taylor said with a small frown.

"Tell me about it." Jessie huffed.

Taylor looked at her with a question mark on her face, "I know why I am frustrated, why are you?"

Jessie sighed and with an irritated glare answered, "I used to think my mom was annoying. But, I just met the most annoying person I could ever meet. I mean, I thought it wasn't possible. But this guy, he takes the cake."

"Wow! A guy who can piss off Jessica Sanders more than her mother. This I've got to see. So where is he? Can you point him out? Maybe I know him." Taylor said as she started to scan through the faces around the room.

"He isn't here. As in, I can't spot him. Last I saw, he was talking to Mayor Fletcher. Who, by the way, looks like he needs to stop eating the cinnamon rolls and run a few extra miles on the good old treadmill."

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