Chapter 29

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"I can't believe that someone actually sent you a bomb."

Jessie heard Penelope scream at her from the front as she climbed down the stairs, taking each step quickly. They were in the fire escape stairwell and were headed to the safety of the open space around the building. She could hear Sam and Neal talking to each other as they followed behind her. They both were discussing the exact same thing as Penelope. Why would anyone send Jessie a bomb?

When the box had begun to make the ominous sound, the staff within hearing distance had popped out of their seats to figure out the source of the irritating sound. However, when Penelope had screamed 'bomb' right after the buzzing began, everyone screamed in terror and started sprinting towards the exit while yelling 'bomb' along the way. That, in turn had caused the other sections to begin to run towards the exits as well. It was kind of like a domino effect; if one tumbles, so must the others.

Even as chaos suddenly exploded all around her, Jessie continued to look buzzing box in her hands. It had raised her curiosity by making that sound. Why was it buzzing? Just as Jessie was lost in her thoughts she heard Sam yell and pull her forward as he began to run.

"Do you want to get yourself killed? Just drop it and let's go!"

Soon they were making their way to the now crowded fire escape. The fire alarms had been set off in the entire building. People from every level were seen running downstairs. The security guards were asking people to remain calm and walk steadily and swiftly to the floors below.  The loud ringing of the fire alarm, gave Jessie goose bumps and she felt them tingle as she rapidly made her way to the bottom, just like the rest of the crowd.

This was utter mayhem.

Luckily, the chaotic public was making their way to the ground without pushing and shoving which was more than required. The systematic evacuation surprised Jessie. Who'd have thought that people still had that presence of mind to be civil even in a potentially dangerous situation?

There were a few however that decided to let panic get the best of them. One such woman was descending the stairs next to Jessie. Ever since they entered the stairwell, she had been constantly on the phone talking to someone and crying on her way down. Jessie could hear snippets of the conversation over the bustle of the crowded stairwell.

"Don't forget to tell Jerry that I love him. Tell him to have fun  growing up and study hard and become a doctor like he promised."

Jessie heard her say in the midst of her continuous tears. The woman's face had turned red as she wiped away her tears. She would have probably given Rudolph an inferiority complex for having a shiner nose. Jessie didn't quite understand the woman's fear. Agreed that, if it indeed was a bomb then Jessie herself would be doing the same. She'd probably call her parents, Taylor and maybe even Aaron. But she wasn't sure if the threat of a bomb was real or not.

Finally, after fifteen minutes of getting pushed, shoved, yelled at and rushed, Jessie made it to the exit doors. As she stepped out, she saw Penelope waiting for her. Jessie walked towards her swiftly and turned to find Neal make his way behind her followed by Sam. They had made it to the clearing. Jessie looked around frantically to see if she could spot Michael. Surely his office must have been evacuated as well. She turned to the door from where she exited when she heard a bass voice.

"Ma'am, please make your way to the back. This area is being cordoned off."

 "What?" Jessie turned around swiftly and found a police officer directing her towards the crowd at the back.

That's when Jessie saw the massive crowd surrounding her office building. There were dozens of police cars blocking the hysterical crowd. Also, there were hundreds of police officers  asking the crowd to remain behind the tape, away from the cordoned off zone. At least a dozen fire engines had made it to the area and the fireman seemed to be discussing their next strategy. The sirens of all these vehicles had filled the surroundings and were amplified in the massive clearing. Their sounds were reflected by the large glass buildings, creating a terrifying symphony.

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