Chapter 31

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Jessie slowly took a bite out of the Duck Confit from the plate in front of her. For the first time since she had met Holden, she was on the verge of being grateful to him. The food was for a lack of any better word, divine. And for some odd reason, Holden had decided to order everything that he thought was ‘the dish to try before you die’. Surprisingly, Jessie agreed with him. This tiny little place, away from the bustle of it all, in a cozy corner somewhere in the heart of the city had the most incredible food that Jessie had ever tasted.

Jessie looked at the spread in front of her and wondered. The amount of food on it was enough to feed another four people at least. Did Holden think that she needed to be fed? Or worse did she have a look of a ravenous eater? 'How cruel and disgusting is that?'

The man sitting opposite to her confused Jessie to bits. He was a walking example of extreme behavior. The first time she had met him, he was a disturbing drunkard who had forced himself on her. The second time she met him, he was as disrespectful as a man could get. But today, he was completely different. He was polite, charming and turned out to be quite the conversationalist with varied topics to talk about. 'Which one of the three men are you Holden? Are you a pathetic drunk pervert, self-obsessed narcissist or a charming gentleman?'

"What do you think?" Holden asked as he took a sip out of his glass of water.

"About what?" Jessie asked, not understanding the reason behind his question.

"About the food. Is it good? Upto your standard," He asked with a sly grin. "What'd you think about the Pepper Pissaladière? It's my favorite."

Jessie shook her head in disbelief and sighed, "I don't think that I am here to evaluate the quality of food at Alonso's. That's the food critic’s job. But if you still insist then let me tell you; it's one of the best I've tasted."

"I knew that you'd like it. You had that very sophisticated air about you when we last met."

"Thank you for passing judgement on me. I had no idea that I was being observed," Jessie replied.

"Well you did pass one on me so I guess it's only fair that I do the same," Holden said as he picked up a piece of bread.

"Aren't we a little old to play 'tit for tat'?"

Holden gave her another one of his sly grins and said, "If you don't like it then we could always play other games. You know the ones that are better suited for adults."

Jessie couldn't believe it. Holden was being blatantly shameless in his flirting. She didn't want to get into it but the best way to shut him up would be to play the higher card. 'Well, two can play that game mister.' Jessie gave him her most genuine looking smile and said, "I'm sure you'd love that. You probably are a seasoned player in most of them."

"That I am, "Holden agreed.

"But not very good at 'Seven minutes in heaven' and what was it, "Jessie pretended to try to recall before she snapped her fingers and said, "I've got it, 'Spin the bottle'."

Holden's ego seemed have gotten bruised by her statement. He shifted uncomfortably in his chair and said, "You'd never know until you try. I could give you first hand training in both."

Jessie smiled as she felt a warm feeling of victory overtake her body and said, "I'm good. My one experience showed me everything I need to know."

"That!" Holden remarked. "That was not up to my full potential and you know it. You have to give me a chance to prove my point. Kind of like a do-over."

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