Chapter 10

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Jessie was still smiling when the girl in front of her suddenly jumped out of her seat and lunged towards her. Jessie flinched and before she could react the girl had her arms around her in embrace. ‘What the hell!’

“Finally!” The girl almost screamed into her ear. “I have someone to talk to. I’m not the only girl around here anymore.”

Jessie had her eyes wide in shock and her arms locked inside the tight embrace. She looked towards Neal in confusion and in an unspoken request to be rescued from the overt display of affection. Neal simply stared back as he tried to suppress a smile. The other man was staring at the two girls in equal confusion. His pen holding hand held midway as he reacted in surprise.

“Okay, okay, “Neal came forward and tried to pry the girl away from Jessie. “That’s enough. I don’t think we want her to plan on running away again.”

Again?” The other man asked as he clipped his pen into his shirt pocket.

“You do remember how Russell welcomes, right?” Neal asked.

The girl stepped back as she released Jessie from her grip and asked,” Russell played his prank on you already?”

Before Jessie could respond, Neal stepped in for her and said,”Yeah, he did.”

Jessie was left speechless. She had hoped that her colleagues would be welcoming but this was more than overwhelming. She stared at Neal, who got the hint and stepped up.

“Guys, this is Jessica Sanders,” He said while pulling the girl back. “She will be joining our team from today.”

The guy with the pen hooked in the front pocket of his crisp white shirt came forward and extended his hand towards Jessie, “I’m Sam Maxwell. Welcome to the cave.”

“Cave?” Jessie asked as she shook his hand.

“Sam is under the impression that he is some kind of superhero and this is his secret lair,” The girl spoke swiftly. “Forget about these guys Jessica.  I’m Penelope Jones. We girls need to stick together. You and I are going to be the best of friends.”

‘Best friends? Okay. That’s not weird at all. Plus, don’t give me a choice or anything.’

“If you girls are going to stick together then don’t you think you should include Neal as well,” Sam spoke in between. “Or else he’s just going to feel left out.”

“Shut up, Sam.” Neal snapped.

“Why don’t you shut up, Neal?” Sam charged back.

“Why don’t you both shut up?” Penelope suggested with a wry grin. “I don’t think showing Jessica our arguing skills on the first day itself is such a great idea.”

“He started it.” Neal accused.

“It was a fact wasn’t it,” Sam retorted. “You will feel left out.”

“Like you wouldn’t.” Neal snapped back immediately.

“Oh my God! It was just an expression. Did you think that I was planning on making this, girls’ verses boys’? Do you think I’m taking some kind of squabble training from Dexter Evans?” Penelope spoke out of frustration.

“I don’t know. Maybe.” Sam’s voice was barely a whisper.


“I said, maybe!” He shouted his reply.

“What the hell made you think that?” It was Penelope who shouted this time around.

“The fact that you are fraternizing with him.” Sam spoke with venom in his voice.

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