Chapter 7

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Jessie stepped into the entrance lobby of the large commercial building that housed Richmond, Riker & Co. She had a huge smile on her face and a bounce in her step. Today, was her first day at her new job.

Her meeting with Mr. Browning on the past Saturday had gone way better than she had expected. Despite the sorrow of leaving her past love, previous job and friends behind, she was truly optimistic. This was a new beginning and she was going to make the most of it.

She had been surprised by her own determination.

Jessie took in the surroundings as she walked through the lobby. The large stone clad entrance lobby with its rich marble and granite stone, shone in the indoor lights. Small potted plants were placed on the corners in the lobby. The stone floor looked like it was polished regularly and it reflected everything, even the people walking towards the elevators. The metal doors of elevators did exactly the same.

Jessie stepped in front of one of the elevators, smiling at the others waiting alongside. It was very difficult for her not to look at her own reflection. What reflected back was a stark contrast to her reflection last week. Her hair had regained its shine and the bags under her eyes had disappeared as well. The redness on her nose had also gone away. She looked much more presentable.

She straightened her hair and her dress as she looked at herself. 'This place is going to make me a vain fool.'

"Eight forty-five," She muttered to herself as she checked the time. "Right on schedule."

"So, you have a habit of talking to yourself too."

It sounded like someone spoke from behind her. So, she turned around to find out who it was. Her face of confusion and curiosity was met with one that was smiling smugly at her. 'You have got to be kidding me.'

It was the man from Mrs. White's brunch.

Just like the last time, he was dressed impressively albeit in a black suit this time and towered over her. His hair was shining under the lights. The musky fragrance of either his aftershave or perfume filled the air. It was really hard to overlook this man's presence. Not to mention the women who were busy staring at him in curiosity.

He smirked while continuing, "And here I was thinking that causing disturbance and inconvenience to other people was your only talent."

Jessie's body heated up in anger, "What the hell are you doing here?"

"As far as I know, there is no such rule that says I can't be here. I mean, I'm not a criminal," He looked around in a mocked worry and asked, "You didn't happen to see my picture on the city's most wanted list or something did you? Cos' I'm pretty sure that I'm not on it."

"Maybe you checked the wrong list." Jessie gave him a wry smile. "You should try the list of most wanted stalkers. I'm sure you're definitely on it."

He placed his right hand on his chest and said, "Ouch! Jessica that hurt my feelings."

"How do you know my name?" Jessie asked angrily. "And even though I was kidding the last time but seeing you here I have to ask; are you actually stalking me?"

He just laughed, "Trust me; I have better things to do with my time."

"I'm sure hacking through someone's personal details is one of them."

"Please, I don't hack."

"No, I suppose you have 'people' to do that for you." Jessie's words were dripping with sarcasm.

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