Chapter 41

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"So do you want 'simple and elegant' or 'over the top flashy’?"

Jessie heard Taylor talking in the background but chose to remain silent. She had been summoned at Taylor's house on the Wednesday evening of her birthday week. It was her twenty-eighth birthday this coming Sunday and Taylor had taken it upon herself to organize the party. A task Taylor held very dear to herself. As they sat on the plush leather couch in Taylor's apartment, Jessie found her mind deviating away from all that she was being told.

"If we do 'simple and elegant' then we could go with an all white theme for everything. You know white lilies, white crystal chandeliers with white drapes and have all the guests dressed in white," Taylor rattled on while showing Jessie picture after picture on her laptop for inspiration.

When Jessie didn't reply, Taylor looked at her and said, "We could go with 'over the top crazy' if you don't like the other idea. We could hire local performing artists. Go with a colorful theme..." she turned to look at the unresponsive and uninterested Jessie before continuing, "call in flame throwers, trapeze artists, ring leaders and clowns."

'Flame throwers? Ring leaders? Clowns?'

Jessie suddenly jerked her head upwards. Was it her birthday celebration or a circus? She said in surprise, "What are you talking about? Isn't all that a bit too much?"

Taylor huffed and in anger began," I was trying to see if you were paying any attention at all. Jessie, I've been talking for about twenty minutes; asking your opinion on everything and all I've been seeing on your face is emptiness. What's going on?"

Jessie closed her eyes and took a deep breath in. What was she supposed to say? What was going on? She had been trying to figure that out for quite some time now. If you were to look at Jessie's life as of the current moment; it was for the lack of any other word, perfect. She had an incredible job with great co-workers. She had a close net group of friends who would always be there for her no matter what. She even had the most eligible bachelor as her boyfriend. But still, it was not all that she hoped for. There was something, something that she couldn't quite put a finger on.

"Jessie," Taylor began in concern. "I asked you something and yet again you've gotten lost. Where are you?"

Jessie shook her head and flatly replied, "I'm listening."

"Are you sure? You seem so lost these past few days. Is everything okay?" Taylor asked with her hand on Jessie's. "You can tell me anything. You know that right?"

Jessie gave her a wry smile and replied, "I am so grateful that you're my friend Taylor. You have no idea how much you mean to me. Thank you for always being there."

"You know that I feel the same," Taylor smiled softly. "But I need to know what's bothering you. Only then can I help you."

"Nothing" Jessie said while looking into blankness. "Everything. I don't know. I mean, I know that I should be happy. I have everything I've always wanted. But it still feels like I'm missing something."

Taylor was curious. "Missing what?"

Jessie shrugged, "I don't know. It feels as though I'm not getting it. Its right there and I can't see it. You know what I mean?"

"Oh Jessie!" Taylor leaned in and gave her the most warmest hug ever. "I can imagine what you must feel like."

"You do?" Jessie asked in surprise.

"Yes. I guess it's all very overwhelming and hard to believe in. I mean it does look like you have everything," Taylor said as she rubbed Jessie's back.

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