Chapter 25

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"So when my brother said that since I have made so much money it would be the smartest to put it someplace where it gets the opportunity to grow, I jumped right in on the real estate wagon. A man's gotta make money right?"

Everyone present in the room fake laughed at that sub-standard joke as though it was the highest quality of humor ever. All laughed except for Jessie.

Jessie was not even listening to a thing at this point. The hot tea in front of her remained untouched. Her eyes were fixed on the man sitting opposite to her. His sorry attempt at sounding funny was not amusing her at all. If anything, it was making her angrier by the second. Her left leg was shaking with such intensity that Jessie was afraid that it might snap out of place. The fingers on her right hand were busy drumming on the table in front of her. She felt as though the room had suddenly gone too dark, only to focus on the man in front of her.

Neal nudged her elbow and leaned in before asking softly, "Are you okay?"

Jessie turned to look back at him and in a frustrated voice said, "Yeah. I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be okay? I'm totally okay. What could possibly make you feel like I'm not okay? I’m very okay. Okay?"

"Other than the fact that you said ‘okay’ like six times, I think you need to reconsider your level of 'okay-ness'." Neal said.

Jessie shook her head and said, "I told you that I’m okay. This is just anxiety that is showing its ugly face."

Neal continued to whisper, "You are soo not okay. Ever since he walked into the foyer you’ve been acting strange. And don't you dare say anxiety again. I know what you've told me and I believe it. Which is why I’m asking you if you’re okay enough to continue to do this?"

"Seriously, I can do this," Jessie reassured him. Now the only thing remaining was to assure herself.

Jessie smiled as she saw Hailey looking at her. She was looking the two of them suspiciously. Jessie didn't want to appear unprofessional. But the current state of affairs that life had thrown her in were far from resolving.

A little less than forty-five minutes ago while waiting for their esteemed client, Jessie had created a particular mental picture of him. She reasoned that only a man of a certain class and etiquette could be able to create a home like this. At least she hoped.

The entire house was stark white on the inside. The entrance foyer itself was exuding class. It had square shaped mirrors of different sizes on either side with the opening to the inside of the house opposite to where they stood. The contemporary chandelier that hung from the ceiling shot this brightest of glares on the marble floor below their feet. Such rich was the decor that it put her family home to shame. Why couldn't she have something like this in her apartment? 'Sure! To fit all the things here I’d have to first wait another forty years to afford one-fourth of it.'

Jessie was more than impressed by whatever she had seen so far. She had been excited to see the rest. Not like they would be allowed anywhere beyond the office area or the living room. Although there was slight possibility that the owner would turn out to be this over-enthusiastic host who would be eager to show even the smallest of nooks in the house. Jessie smiled in disbelief at her naivety.

When she heard the man walk in, Jessie couldn’t contain her excitement.

For whatever reason, Mr. Browning had refrained from telling any of them who the house that they were busy designing belonged to. Every time that topic came up in their discussions, Jessie had decided to ask him. However, as the work pressure increased, she forgot all about it; until right this moment. What was she supposed to address him as? ‘Mr. I’ve designed your house but I don’t know your name.’ She had no idea who that person was. Luckily or unluckily, Jessie didn’t have to be told who it was. The minute she saw his face, every other sound besides his went on mute.

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