Chapter 22

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After her unusual but entertaining date with Aaron, not to mention the wonderful kiss, Jessie was in an excellent frame of mind. She had in sheer excitement called up Taylor and given her a word for word relay of what had happened. Taylor had reacted just like she had suspected, with shock and awe. One was because of the meeting place and second she was surprised that Jessie didn’t mind kissing someone with garlic breath. In Taylor’s own words; ‘That’s just nasty.’

Jessie had assured her that it was alright. Aaron was beyond adorable and the perfect gentleman when it came down to the specifics of it. This could be the start of something good, Jessie had said in honesty. She was relieved when Taylor told her that she was happy for her and that ‘Garlic-breath’ seemed like a nice guy. Jessie didn’t say anything, but she agreed. Aaron was a nice guy.

The following week, the biggest anomaly of her existence at the new workplace happened. Jessie was usually the first person to step into her section. However, the next Monday morning she found the place to be occupied by all of her team mates. They were in the middle of some discussion which they discarded the minute they realized her presence. Could it be any more obvious that they were talking about her? Talking behind her back was the last thing she needed.

"Good morning!" Jessie said with the hint of a forced smile.

"Good morning!" All three chirped at the same time.

"When did you guys begin to greet like a pop group or three quarters of a string quartet?" Jessie asked in joke.

"I don't think we sound like a pop group," Penelope said.

Neal nodded, "I agree. We don't sound like that. Do we Sam?"

"We don't, "Same said. "If not anything else that comment makes you sound prejudiced."

"Prejudiced? Are you serious?" Jessie raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah," Penelope chirped in. "We are soo not like those."

"Okay, then why were you guys talking in sync with each other?" Jessie asked in frustration.

"No we weren't." Penelope said before asking, " Nsync? Wasn't that a boy band? "

"I take offence to that." Sam said in an offended tone. "We are way above 'boybands'."

"Besides, while growing up I was more of a Backstreet Boys fan." Neal said with his eyes glazed and completely ignoring Sam’s comment.

"No way! Me too!" Penelope did the same as she raised her hand up, giving Neal a high five.

Neal continued, "I remember waiting in line at the music store overnight just to be one of first ones get a ticket to one of their concerts. I had to force my father to take me there. I still remember him being frustrated for days about it."

"Backstreet Boys? Really? Exactly how old were you when you did that?" Jessie asked in curiosity.

"Ten." Neal replied. "I used to have the biggest crush on them."

Sam sighed and said, "Why am I not surprised?"

“Wow! So at age ten you knew you were gay. I wish I was that confident about myself. You are my idol and that is pretty cool.” Penelope said.

“No. It’s not,” Neal said. His mouth curled in an unpleased smile. He continued, “I realized it when I was fifteen and had sneaked into what I thought was Mary-Anne Connelly’s bedroom. Turned out it wasn’t her bedroom and I was left staring at her college-going brother getting out of the shower wearing nothing but a towel.”

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