Chapter 6

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"Leave me alone!"

Jessie screamed as she disconnected the call that was causing her cellphone to annoy her with its incessant ringing.

It had been almost two weeks since she quit her job and practically everyone she knew had been calling her. Each of them wanted to know what had happened. Some of them, who had no clue about Jason which was a disturbingly small number, asked if she was fired and handed the pink slip. Others, who did, asked if she was upset about it.

Well, that was a dumb question.

Of course she was upset about it. There was no other way. How would you feel if your ex decided to get married to his ex? And not just that but ask you to work with that person. On top of that as bonus, you hated the person they were marrying and expecting you to work with. So if it were you, would you agree to it?

No. You probably wouldn't and neither did she.

Jessie had made her bedroom her hiding place. She was hiding from everyone, including her mother, Taylor, Kevin and probably the whole world. Not to mention, her father who had suddenly developed an unnatural interest in her personal life.

That was definitely odd.

He had almost never cared about what she did in life as long as she was alright. Her parents were polar opposites in that department. Her mother cared too much while her father cared too little. The most interest shown by him was when she had introduced him to Jason. He had warned Jason about her picky eating habits and random temper tantrums. She had been truly embarrassed then and hoped that he would steer clear from her life from then on.

But today, despite his unexpected interest, she had disconnected his call.

'Daddy, you picked an awesome moment to start being this friendly.'

She was about to stretch herself on the bed once more when the loud banging on her bedroom door stopped her midway. She sprang up and accidently stepped on to her purse on the floor with her bare feet.


She screamed as the open buckle poked into the soft skin of her feet. Jessie glared at it in anger. She picked up her right foot to check the wound and balanced on the other causing her to wobble. It was a slight prick and a little blood seeped through.

'What's that doing on the floor?'

She glared at the purse again. There was a bang on the door once more. She hopped towards it in pain when it suddenly flew open and an agitated Taylor walked through.

"Jessica Sanders," she screamed. "What the hell is the meaning of this?"

Jessie stared at her in shock. Taylor hardly ever yelled at her. However lately, Jessie had been giving her enough reasons to do so. If she had even a slightest clue about the situation she'd be in, she would have thought twice before handing Taylor the spare key.

She was still balancing herself on one foot while the other was in her hand and was still stinging in pain when she asked, "Meaning of what?"

Taylor's nose flared in anger and she pointed towards Jessie, "This."

'What? Did I spill something?'

Jessie looked down at herself, trying to locate the cause of Taylor's anger. Her eyes were met with her blue night shirt and pajamas. There were dozens of wrinkles on it from all of the sleeping she had done in the past few days and yes, she was hopping with one foot in her hand. But other than that, it was all good. She looked up and blankly stared at Taylor.

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