Chapter 5

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"Jessie! Are you okay?"

Jason was all but screaming at her in the background. He was waving his hands in front of her, trying to get her to snap out of whatever daze she was in. But as of that moment, Jessie was lost in another world. She was staring into blankness as scenes of what could best be described as the possible future, flashed in front of her eyes.

She saw herself sitting at her desk as usual but with one major difference. Clarise was sitting next to her, barking orders at her while she pretended not to listen causing Clarise to yell even more. In the next second the scene altered and she saw herself attending Jason and Clarise's wedding, trying very hard not to cry.

Before Jessie could comprehend what was happening, the scene changed once more. She was still seated at her desk but this time instead of Clarise sitting next to her, she saw Clarise showing off her honeymoon pictures to everyone. As for Jessie, she sat staring at the computer screen attempting to block the conversation out but failing to do so.

Jessie's eyes went wide at the horrifying prospects and suddenly Jason's face appeared, clearing through the vision. She was back in reality and it stared back at her smugly.

'This cannot be happening.'

She was desperately trying to convince herself that she heard wrong. But her heart and mind were failing to listen to her and she looked up as Jason's voice finally snapped her out of her thoughts.

"Jessie! For God's sake, say something." His voice came out in panic.

'How could you do this to me?'

She looked at Jason and continued to stare. He was giving her a guilt ridden look and an unspoken apology. At that very moment, it started to feel as though the air around her was thinning and the walls seemed to be closing in on her. She looked around frantically as anxiety finally caught up to her and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"I...I..." She stammered, as words failed her.

She took quick steps backwards and said, "I need...need to get out of here."

"Jessie, wait."

She quickly opened the door and walked out without paying any heed to what Jason was saying to her in the back. She was in no mood to listen to his reasoning. She had to get out of here right this second and was cursing at the world for not having discovered a way to teleport yet. It would have saved her from having to deal with the situation that she was in at this very moment.

Jessie was almost at her cubicle when suddenly the world around her seemed to slow down. As it slowed down, it started to spin very gently and she felt like she was falling.

It was a very weird feeling.

The last time she felt like this was when she was twelve and her father had taken her to the amusement park. The roller coaster had seemed to be a fun ride up until her stomach began to curl and she felt her heart climb up to her mouth. She had screamed her lungs out in reply.

Back in the office, there was no roller coaster but the feeling was the same. Her breaths were coming in short and her stomach seemed to be doing cartwheels. She was dropping fast and the floor was closing in on her. The last thing she remembered was a sharp pain against the right side of her face and darkness.


"She's coming around. Move outta the way."

As Jessie woke up, she heard Kevin's worrisome voice boom through her head. Her head itself felt as though it weighed a thousand tons. She grimaced as she felt the pain and grasped the side of her head as she tried to straighten up.

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