Chapter 36

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“I have to do what?” Jessie said in shock.

The exact nature of Neal’s request to her was finally sinking in. In her haste to get both Neal and Penelope to stop their arguing, Jessie had volunteered to help Neal. Little did she know that what was supposed to be a minor request as per her was actually a huge production in the making. It was a fake façade; Neal and Jessie were going to be smack in the middle of it.

Even as she was being checked for size by Neal’s sister Mira, Jessie continued to stare at him in shock. This was not the kind of help that she had planned on giving him.

“It’s a perfect fit!” Jessie heard Mira from behind her. The dusky, doe-eyed younger sibling to Neal came forward and said, “I told you it would be perfect.”

Jessie stood staring at the girl in worry. This was the craziest thing that she was about to do. She looked at Mira and asked, "Do I really have to wear it? I mean, is it absolutely necessary? She'll understand it; I'm sure."

Mira pulled the string attached to the skirt which was worn by Jessie and said, "You don't know Ma. She'll sniff it out easily if we are not careful and thorough. That's why we need everything to be exactly as she would want it."

"But a sari?" Jessie said loudly. "This is not me. I have never in my life worn one."

"If you want her to be convinced then this is the only way to go," Mira said plainly. "Or else, it's bye-bye Neal."

Jessie realized how important this was to Neal. But even then, a sari? Never once in her life did Jessie think that she'd make such a stupid decision. 'Why did I have to open my mouth and volunteer?'

As it turned out, Penelope's resistance was well justified. It was Neal's twenty-ninth birthday today and as per tradition, his mom always visited. Since, it was only twice a year that she came, Neal had very carefully made sure that she was blissfully unaware of his relationship with Zachary. Confused right?

See, as per Neal's mother, he was in a committed relationship with a woman named Bianca. He had been reluctant to let her know about his sexual orientation. As per him, his mother's life would be much simpler if she didn't know about it. So, each time she visited, he would introduce his neighbor as his girlfriend. But since Bianca got engaged and was very much pregnant with her first child, Neal had been forced to look for an alternative.

Penelope had been his first choice. He would simply tell his mother that he broke up with Bianca and was now happy with Penelope. At least this was the plan known to Jessie. But because of her impatience and low threshold towards the bickering two, Jessie had very conveniently got herself sucked into doing it instead. 'Way to go Jessie. What's next? Putting on a fake ring and saying that you're married.'

Jessie was being pulled and turned in every direction as Mira was furiously trying to drape the long, shiny, pink material around her. Jessie was confused at the reason behind having such a long cloth around herself. Just half of it was enough to make a very beautiful dress which would serve the same purpose. But she had no choice.

Jessie straightened up and looked at Neal, who was buttoning the cuffs on his shirt. She asked him in curiosity, "I don't understand something. Is Zachary okay with this?"

"Sort of," Neal replied as he pulled the sleeve straight. "He's not exactly a huge fan of the idea."

"Neal, you've been together with him for the past two years," Mira said while folding the sari. "Better still; you two have been living together for over a year. I would expect him to feel bad that his boyfriend is unwilling to acknowledge him in front of his mom."

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