Chapter 28

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"Why are you giving me that look?" Jessie asked as Michael continued to smile at her. Her hand clutched the railing at the back tightly. The anxiety of being surrounded by unknown people had soon been replaced by anxiety of being in the small confined space. 

Michael shook his head in disbelief and said, "I'm just wondering, how is it that you keep getting yourself in these situations? I mean that thing downstairs, that was mayhem. All because of your certain someone I suppose."

"Oh no! Not you too, “Jessie cried in frustration. She had already dealt with one unyielding person this morning, Taylor; she was in no mood to deal with another one.

"I'm guessing you've already had someone else pass judgment on you," He said understanding her tone of voice.

Jessie just nodded and said, "Yes and I would really like it if we didn't get into all of this in detail."

"No we won't. But just out of curiosity, "Michael said carefully. “What’s going on now?"

"Holden is the worst thing to happen to me; that's what's happening right now, "Jessie plainly stated.

Jessie saw Michael tried to suppress a laugh. She gave him a look of contempt. Why were guys like this? What pleasure did they get in seeing girls in pain? It's quite sadistic actually. Not very gentlemanly at all. She hit him with the back of her hand and said, "It's not funny."

Michael finally released his laughter. His voice made a very sharp sound in the small confines of the elevator which was now moving higher rapidly. He got his laugh in control and said, "You have to admit. It is slightly funny."

Jessie didn't see the humor in it at all. 'What's so funny about being mobbed like that?' She just shrugged and waited for him to explain.

"What's funny is that all of this is happening to you because everybody thinks that you are Holden's girlfriend, "Michael said while his eyes were busy looking at the increasing numbers on the panel above. He continued, "The funny part is this that you aren't his girlfriend and still so much footage is being spent on you. I wonder how his real girlfriend must be feeling about all this. "

"I don't know, "Jessie sadly replied.

Jessie realized at that point that Michael had made a very good point. What did Holden's girlfriend think about all this? Surely any woman would not be very pleased to see her boyfriend's name being linked to another woman. Plus, by whatever Jessie had read about Rebecca Hayward on the internet, it did not sound like she was the one to keep quiet. There was something bigger at play and Jessie had to find out exactly what it was.

The elevator dinged and Michael walked forward to step out on to his office floor. He said, "I hope you have a better day ahead."

"I hope I do and I hope you do too," Jessie said and before he could step out, she added, "And thank you for helping me downstairs."

"You’re welcome,” Michael smiled and gave her a wave goodbye. "Anytime you need a hand.."

"I'll just look for my knight in shining armor," Jessie teased him as she completed his sentence.

He smirked and nodded, “I’ll see you later."

Jessie gave him a smile of her own and said, "I'll see you. Bye."

She saw Michael leave the elevator and stared outside even after he walked away from it till the elevator doors slid shut. She was so confused about this man. Jessie knew that she had never seen him before the brunch. But the more she ran into him and spent time talking to him, she realized that there was something about him that she was missing. He was really very familiar, like one of song tunes that is at the tip of your tongue but you just can't remember its name for the life of it.

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