Chapter 38

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"Where do celebrities go when they go on dates?" Jessie asked in curiosity as she sat next to Holden.

"Obviously, some place where they aren't seen," Holden replied with a smile.

"I know that," Jessie said with a smile of her own. "My question would be; where?"

"Anywhere! I've taken a girl out on an early morning hike on one of my dates."

"Really?" Jessie was surprised. "You don't look the type to do outdoorsy things."

"That's just one of the many things about me that you don't know."

"It doesn't surprise me," Jessie shook her head. "However, it still doesn't answer my question; where are we going?"

"That would be a surprise, "Holden said as his smile turned into a smirk.

Jessie looked quizzically at him and said, "You better not take me some place I don't know."

Holden gave out a laugh, "If I don't then it won't be a surprise." He placed his hand on Jessie's and said, "Trust me. It'll be fun."

"It better be. Besides, I do have a can of pepper spray with me."


"So,” Jessie began in a tough voice. "You better watch it. Because I'm not afraid to use it."

"You'll spray it on me?" Holden asked with his eyes wide.

Jessie huffed, "If it comes to it then, yes, I would."

Holden began to laugh loudly. He laughed so hard that he had to wipe away the tears forming at the corners of his eyes.

Jessie was looking at him as though he was suffering from a sudden attack of craziness. She firmly asked, "What's so funny?"


"How am I funny?" Jessie asked roughly.

Holden calmed himself and said, "I cannot imagine you using that pepper spray on me. You wouldn't hurt a fly even if you tried and you know it."

Jessie wasn't pleased at his opinion of her. She gave him a sullen look and said, "There's a difference between you and a fly. A fly wouldn't try to force himself on me, would he?"

"Would I?" Holden asked with his eyes wide and eyebrows raised.

"Haven't you?" Jessie answered in rebuttal. "It's because of you that I started carrying one in the first place."

"No," Holden asked in surprise. "Did you really?"

"Yes! You’ve scarred me for life."

"See, I've apologized a ton of times already. I was just going through a rough time. I don't understand why you won't believe me," Holden said in a serious tone.

Jessie sighed, "Because..."

Holden leaned towards her when Jessie paused instead of continuing. In a self-assured manner he asked, "Because?"

Jessie gave him another sullen look and said, "Because, you are ‘you’. I can't trust you."

"Really? Or is it that you don't trust yourself with me?" Holden teased.

Jessie shook her head in disbelief and tried hard to keep the smile from appearing on her face. Holden was just relentless. He always would come up with some way or the other to turn all of Jessie's accusations on him into some sort of tease. Jessie had gotten used to it by now. He had done that so often that every time he did, Jessie was sure that he couldn't surprise her anymore. But he always found a way.

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