Chapter 37

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The following week after Neal's birthday party celebrations Jessie was unsure of how to interact with Neal.

She wasn't sure if she should even ask him what happened after he ran out behind his mother. Jessie was hoping that it would be all good between the two. This was probably the worse reason for a child and his parent to disagree over. On one side, Jessie was happy that at least now Neal had the opportunity to be true to himself in front of his family. On the other side, she was worried that if his mother gets upset about it then it shouldn't be to the extent of disowning him. Being angry about something as frivolous as this was hardly worth losing your son over.

Jessie walked back to her section from the copier machine. It was almost nine and Neal would probably be in by now. She stepped inside and before she could understand; Jessie was pulled into a tight hug and Neal was screaming in her ear.

"Jessie! This was my best birthday ever."

Jessie was still trying to calm herself from the shock. Her arms were caught between both of his. The papers gripped tightly in one and the other clenched in a fist. She said," I'm glad you had fun," as she tried to move her hand upwards in an attempt to give him a pat at least.

She was happy that he was happy, but why was the biggest question. Jessie was confused. She was about ask him the reason for his happiness when Neal pulled her back. His grabbed both of Jessie's arms and as he shook her in joy, he said, "You have no idea, how happy I am right now."

Jessie didn't react. Was this the same guy from yesterday? The same one who was caught in a tough position between his boyfriend and mother. He was definitely way too cheerful. She didn't know how to handle his excitement.

She saw Neal's excitement wane as he looked oddly at her. He said, "What's wrong? You look confused."

Jessie raised her eyebrows and smiled. She asked, "I had no idea that you had soo much fun. The last I saw you, your mother was screaming at you and you were running after her while trying to pacify her. Tell me if I'm wrong in getting confused."

Neal tilted his head backwards as if he understood Jessie's confusion and said, "That? I can see why you would think that way. But what I'm about to tell you is going to clear all of that up."

"Okay," Jessie said while eying him strangely.

"Ma loves Zachary," Neal exclaimed.

Jessie's mouth dropped. She couldn't believe it. She said," Are you sure? She didn't seem to be that big a fan of his when I last spoke to her."

Neal continued to jump softly in excitement as he continued, "That's what I used to think too."

"What changed yesterday then?"

Neal took his seat as Jessie did the same and replied, "Yesterday, she finally found out the truth. She knew that Zach was gay and was under the impression that I was not."

"Whose fault is that?" Jessie shook her head.

"Mine. I know," Neal agreed. "And till yesterday, she believed that Zach was trying to sway me his way. She thought that he was trying to push himself on me even after knowing that I have a girlfriend. That's why she hated him. Well not ‘hated’ hated him, but you know what I mean."

Jessie stared wide-eyed at him. She simply asked, "Do you know what you mean?"

"Of course I do!" Neal said in surprise. "She was thinking that a gay guy was after her straight son. That's why she was angry."

The Right ChoiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora