Chapter 34

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"No Holden, we can't put a glass wall to the guest bathroom," Jessie said while scribbling on the drawing in front of her.

"Why not?" Holden said in a harried tone. "It's perfect. That way, when I have guests, hot girls come over; I can get a wonderful view from the Jacuzzi on the opposite end."

"Not just that," Jessie cringed her nose awkwardly. "That way, you will have a sexual harassment lawsuit against you as well."

"That can't be good," Holden pretended to think.

Jessie raised her eyebrows and said, "Now do you agree with me?"

Holden had a disappointed look on his face.

Jessie was frustrated. She had gone through this with him for the past week. He insisted on adding a glass wall to the bathroom in the guest room on the ground floor, on the exterior. If it would indeed be placed like that then anyone sitting in the Jacuzzi on the opposite end would get a clear view of the person using the shower. In Holden's case, it would be his female guests. Though being an interesting idea, Jessie was reluctant to agree to his over the top request.

However the expression on Holden's face clearly told Jessie that she needed to suggest an alternative. She said, "We could add one to the master bathroom instead."

Holden sighed and with disinterest replied, "Fine. Not like it would make sense anyway."

"Why not? I'm sure you have women there all the time," Jessie said with a smirk.

Holden glared at her and said, "Do you actually think women spend that much time with me?"

"Don't they?"

"Look, I'll make a compromise, “Holden said as he ignored her question and leaned onto the table. "How about just half of it? You know, cover the shower and leave rest as glass. I'm cool with that."

Jessie was relieved. It was a compromise that she was okay with. Finally, they were through with one level of his three level house. The worst was still to come. She was sure it would be another month at least before he would finalize the next level. This was going to be a long process with no end in sight.

After her break-up with Aaron which had happened almost a month ago, Jessie had immersed herself in work as much as she could. That way, when she would eventually reach home, late at night, Jessie would be way too tired to have any reasonable thoughts. She'd fall asleep right away. Working herself to exhaustion, had become her solution to dealing with the loss. This way she would neither have the time nor the energy to scrutinize the exact reason why she was in the position that she was in.

Jessie had barely spoken to anyone about it. All she had said to a handful who mattered, was that things were complicated. When pushed further she said that it didn't matter; what's done was done. There was no use trying to dissect it any further. Taylor had been less than satisfied with her response and Jessie has been forced to avoid her as much as possible. For the first time in their long friendship, it had been over a fortnight since they last spoke.

Her mother on the other hand was furious. Aaron's mother hadn't been pleased either. Jessie's mother, Elaine had informed her that thanks to her break-up, Aaron's mother had been giving her a cold shoulder at every event they met. She was worried that if this continued on then she would be out casted and ostracized by the entire social circuit. Jessie was sure that her mother's worry was over exaggerated. Her mother had garnered a lot of good will to be this easily dismissed. She tried very hard to convince her mother of that. But in all honesty, Jessie didn't care. Her mother's social status was probably the last thing on her mind right now.

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