Chapter 33

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"So, tell me Jessica, how close are you with your 'boyfriend'? “ Holden asked as he licked away the ice-cream dripping on to his hand. "I mean, are you two ‘exclusive’ exclusive or is there a leeway?"

Jessie gave him a stern glare and asked, "Why are you hell bent on turning everyone into a cheat like you? Some of us prefer to be in monogamous relationships, believe it or not."

"Why do you keep calling me a cheat? I haven't cheated on anyone."

"Sure," Jessie mocked him. "All those numbers in your phone are just for fun."

"They were given to me by all those girls but it's not like I asked them to," Holden began to justify. "Now, if the women want me to have their number, then who am I to stop them?"

"Okay, that explains them, "Jessie gave a nod before continuing to ask, "What about me? You have my number set just like theirs. I didn't give you mine, so there has to be some difference, right?"

Holden's eyes went wide and he pulled his phone out from inside his black bomber jacket. He said, "You have made an excellent point. I am going to fix that." then proceeded to type on his phone. "There!"

Jessie leaned sideways to get a look at the screen. There it was, 'Jessica Sanders', her name instead of 'Jesse F'. She had to admit, Holden was trying really hard to get her on his side. But her loyalty towards her current relationship was stronger. Aaron was a very good man and Jessie hoped that it would go well. If there was anything that Jessie had learnt from her failed relationship with Jason, it was to make sure that you are true and faithful in your relationship.

"I've changed it to what you like," Holden said as he felt very pleased with his actions. "Now will you give me a chance?"

Now Jessie was really annoyed. Holden was pushing this too far, even after knowing the truth. With anger she spewed, "What part of 'I have a boyfriend' don't you understand? Seriously Holden, if you think that I am fling worthy material then I'm sorry. I prefer a more traditional fare as far as boyfriends go."

"Not even a little chance?" Holden asked with his nose flinching.

"No!" Jessie yelled.

Suddenly, they both fell silent. It was just like before while they were in the car; uncomfortable silence. Jessie gave Holden a look and said, "There's another reason why I would never in my dreams consider going out with you."

"And what's that?"

"You drink too much."

Holsen gave out a huff and said, "You don't believe that."

"Yes, I do," Jessie responded swiftly. "I've had first hand experience."

Holden widened his eyes in anger but Jessie knew that it was fake. She knew that Holden was indeed aware of his drinking issues. Jessie was beginning to wonder if it all stemmed from his heart break years ago. It was sort of like how she had responded after her own break up. Only thing, instead of drinking alcohol, Jessie had resorted to binge eating and had found comfort in chocolate. 'Ummm...Chocolate! Now there's something you could cheat on your boyfriend with.'

"Look, when we had that 'encounter' if you will, I was suffering from a mental break down," Holden began dramatically. "My only source of relief was drinking and I do remember ordering a lot of them."

Jessie smirked and shook her head. 'Unbelievable.' She thought. He was actually trying to weasel his way out of her accusations on him. She said, "Just because you are an actor, do you think I can't see through your 'acting'? Why don't you just admit that you have a drinking problem?"

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