Chapter 44

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Jessie smiled awkwardly as Holden came up to her and handed her the bouquet. He smiled and said, "Nothing but the best for the best. Happy Birthday baby."

Holden then leaned in and gave Jessie a quick kiss. He pulled back with confusion and while licking his lips said, "Is that a cherry flavored lipstick?"

Jessie looked away. She was slightly embarrassed and taken aback by Holden's sudden appearance. It's not as though she didn't know that he was going to be here. But she also was in the middle of dealing with a sticky situation with Michael which had yet been left unresolved. To make matters worse, since Holden had no idea of all the drama that has just gone to pass, he was behaving as he normally would.

Never before had Jessie faced such a dilemma. In front of her, was this guy Holden, the man who had changed himself for the better just so that he could be with her. And on the side was Michael, who had silently, behind the scenes done so many things for her without expecting anything in return. Jessie was truly, for the lack of any other word, stumped. If there ever was a situation where you'd be stuck between a rock and hard place, this was it.

Jessie was snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Holden.

"Hey! You're that guy from the gala. It's such a shame that I forgot your name."

Jessie turned around as she remembered that Michael had been standing right behind her, witnessing the interaction between her and Holden. She looked up at him and saw him become extremely cold in appearance. He definitely had not been pleased about it.

She saw Michael give her a look and then turn his attention to Holden. He stated flatly, "It’s Michael. Nice to meet you again Holden."

"Michael!" Holden exclaimed, as the name finally registered in his mind. "The pleasure's all mine. I had no idea Jessica had invited you."

"She didn't. Her friends did," Michael stated as a fact.

Holden gave a nod and said, "To be honest Michael, considering how our previous meeting went, I thought that you'd be the last person I'd see here."

"I'm not surprised," Michael said before holding out his hand. "It was nice meeting you again, Holden."

"Same here," Holden replied as he shook Michael's hand.

Jessie saw Michael turn to look at her. He opened his mouth to say something but hesitated. He took a deep breath and smiled. "Happy birthday, Jessica. I hope this year brings you all of what you wish for."

"Thank you," Jessie slowly said.

She was unable to figure out what was going on. Her brain was running over time while a small sense of panic set in. Michael was leaving and this was probably the last she would ever see of him. Jessie didn't want him to go. There was nothing left to say or do at this point, but she just needed him to stay. If not anything then he could at least do this.

Jessie saw Michael smile at her and nodded at Holden before heading towards where Taylor stood. She felt Holden move up next to her and put his arm around hers. Her eyes were still fixed on Michael when she heard Holden say, "Jessica. Why do you smell like cherries?"

She turned to her side and said, "It's a long story."

"Okay," Holden said in surprise. "I guess we should save that for another day," he took Jessie by her hand. "Right now, we need to dance."

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