Chapter 12

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“Where is that golden dress I gave you for your birthday this year?”

Jessie sat on the edge of her bed, staring at the middle aged woman rummaging through her closet. She had thrown most of the clothes out on the bed and was still going through the closet. It was no use arguing with her. That woman was on a mission and there was nothing that Jessie could do or say to change her mind.

She shook her head in contempt and looked away, pretending that she didn’t hear anything.

The woman peeked through the closet and waved one of Jessie’s shirts in the air,” I’m talking to you, honey. The least you could do is pay attention and answer.”

Jessie turned to look at her in anger and replied,” I heard you, Mom.”

“Then tell me where the dress is,” Elaine returned to the closet and pulled away things she didn’t need. “And the shoes I sent along with them. I can’t seem to find anything in this mess.”

Jessie’s head was hurting from all the chaos her mother was making. ‘I don’t care if you don’t, just be done already.’

She had made fun plans for the Saturday; her first weekend after completing a full week at her new job. She had planned to wake up as late as possible, catch up with Taylor for a late lunch, maybe head to the salon and then go for the dinner. It was supposed to be a perfect day which was meticulously planned. Unfortunately for Jessie, the only thing that went as per plan was her waking up later than usual. Everything else was thrown out the window.

At about ten in the morning, her mother had barged into her home unannounced. Before, Jessie could comprehend; her mother dragged her to the salon that she went to. After a good three hours at the place where she got herself waxed, had her eyebrows plucked, got some sort of fake tan sprayed on her and hair washed in the most leisurely manner ever, they had gone to lunch.

Lunch had been just as laborious as the salon. It was during this supposedly enjoyable lunch that her mother had decided to discuss Jessie’s life; a personal favorite topic of hers. She had rambled on and on about how by the time she was her age she had found her dream job. Not to mention that she had also snagged a best guy in the whole wide world. Jessie had quietly eaten her lunch and sometimes stared at her mother with an annoyed look on her face.

Was she expected to follow her mother’s life as a blueprint for success? ‘Never. Not happening in a million years.’

“Honey!” Her mother yelled from inside the closet. “Are you paying attention to anything that I am saying?”

Jessie shook her head in mock negation and replied, “Yes Mom.”

“Then where is it? I want you to wear that dress but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. You know it wouldn’t hurt for you to organize your closet a bit better,” Her head suddenly peeked out and she pushed the dark bangs away from her head before continuing. “You know, follow a color palette or at least organize by function.”

“It is organized by function,” Jessie leaped off the bed and walked to the closet.

“Really?” Her mother replied with sarcasm in her voice.

Jessie nodded,” Yes. If you could just pause for a minute and look properly. Can’t you see? Work clothes, casuals, comfort wear, lingerie and if you would look to your right you will see the elusive dresses and evening wear. Not to mention the shoes.”

Her mom jerked her head as she spotted the dress that she was looking for, “I swear I searched everywhere.”

“No Mom. You rummaged and poked everywhere before throwing things around.”

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