Chapter 14

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“Thank you, Mrs. Sanders,” The photographer said as he checked the picture on his camera screen. “You and your daughter look very elegant tonight.”

 “Thank you,” Elaine replied while her face beamed with pride. “So, this will be in the papers tomorrow, yes?”

Jessie rolled her eyes. This was crazy; of course they would print the pictures. Her mother had invited them, hadn’t she? So why wouldn’t they do it. They would probably write an article as well. Just writing the names of the invitees would fill up quarter of the page. Everyone loves to read about who met whom and where. Even if it doesn’t exactly concern them. ‘Ah, the society life. Hate to love them but love to read about them.’

Definitely! Our readers love to read about the parties hosted by you. They absolutely adore you.” The photographer replied while adjusting the lens on his camera.

Jessie stared at her mother who was tugging at her waist and pulling her closer. She felt smothered by the excessive display of love shown by her mother. This was exactly the reason why she disliked attending these events. She was very critical of the unrequired attention and spotlight that she had to face.

“Also, I hope you don’t forget to mention my daughter’s name in the article; Jessica Sanders.” She added.

“Mrs. Sanders, she is part of the reason why none of us wanted to miss this event.” The photographer aimed the camera towards them to click another picture.

Jessie turned her head towards the photographer as her brain registered her name being spoken. Her eyes were blinded by the sudden flash of light as the photographer snapped a picture. She turned away to compose herself and asked, “Why? What’s so special about me?

“It’s the first time after a really long time that we got to see you at one of the society events.” The photographer said while continuing to click.

“That’s not true!” Jessie exclaimed. “I met you at my parent’s wedding anniversary, a little while ago.”

“A little while ago!” The photographer gave a dry laugh and continued, “More like three months ago. That’s enough time for a new society sweetheart to rise up the ranks and turn to dust before another one takes her place.”

“That’s what I have been trying to get her to understand.” Her mother chimed in.

Jessie asked, “What are you talking about?”

The man straightened up before replying, “It takes the world less than two weeks to forget about a person if they leave the spotlight even for a bit. For a woman, it takes even less than that. So, considering the fact that you were out of the spotlight for over three months; I’d say it’s time for a comeback. A big one.”

Jessie was left staring at the man in front of her. He was smirking at her with his eyebrows raised. She knew what he was thinking. He must be wondering as to why she didn’t already know this. ‘Well genius, that’s because I don’t really care.’

“Robert, I completely agree.” Her mother spoke and pulled her out of her thoughts.

“Is that so?” Jessie said.

“Yes. Honey, you need to make a huge comeback in the social circuit. I was hoping this party would be it.” Elaine, her mother explained.

“But I don’t want to make a comeback. I don’t even want to be noticed.” Jessie pleaded. “I just want to be left alone.

“Like you are right now?” Her mother asked with a stern voice.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

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