Perfectly timed

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"Sarah, are you sure about this? I don't mind it if you do it." Hannah and Sarah sat together at the doctor's office. Today was the day. "Hannah, don't chicken out now. It was your idea." Hannah nodded. "Okay. I'm just so nervous. Why am I so nervous? I wanted this for years." "It's normal, Honey." Sarah took Hannah's hand, while they waited in the waiting room. A nurse walked into the room and looked around. "Mrs. Hart. The doctor is ready for you." Hannah looked at Sarah. They walked to the room, holding hands. "Hello, I'm Dr. Johnson." Sarah took his hand first. "Sarah." "Nice to meet you, Sarah." "Hannah." Johnson smiled. "Our patient." Hannah tried to smile, but failed. "You don't have to be nervous. Everything is looking good and the treatment does not hurt. Did you take all the vitamins we gave you?" Hannah nodded. "Good. You can take place on the table and we will start." Hannah moved slowly towards the table. Sarah took place on a chair next to it and took Hannah's hand when she was sitting on the table. "Hannah relax. You're shaking."

"Ches, I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. This isn't food poisoning anymore. It's been a week have to do that. You have a now." "What time? I'll go with you." Grace looked at Chester. "You don't busy schedule." "Grace, I want to come. Don't push me away now." Chester smiled at her and pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. "Okay. The appointment is at 10 am. If you pick me up at 9.30, we can drive together." "I'll be here at 9.30." Chester grabbed his girlfriend and gave her a big hug. "Everything will be okay, Grace." He kissed the top of her head, before he let go of her. "I have to go now, but I will see you tomorrow." "Do you have to go? I need you right now." Chester looked into the tear-filled eyes of Grace. "I have to. I promise I can be back in 2 hours." Grace nodded. "I'll miss you, Ches. I'll be in bed when you are back. I'm so tired." Grace walked away from Chester to her bedroom. "Goodnight Gracie." Chester turned around and walked towards the front door. He jumped up when he heard a loud bang upstairs. "Grace?! Are you okay?" He didn't get an answer. Chester ran towards the bedroom and saw an unconscious Grace laying on the ground. He grabbed his phone and called 911. 'Yes. My girlfriend just collapsed on the floor... No, she is not responding... Yes, she is breathing.' Chester put Grace on her side. He heard the sirens in the distance. "Everything will be okay, Grace." He said, while stroking her head. "Everything will be okay." Chester stood as the paramedics opened the door. "What's her name?" "Grace, her name is Grace Helbig." "Okay, sir. We going to take her to the hospital. You can drive with her in the ambulance." Chester only nodded. He didn't know what to do.

Chester sat outside the room. Hannah and Mamrie were on their way. Why did this have to happen to his beautiful Grace? She didn't do anything wrong. "Heey Chester." Chester felt a hand on his shoulder and came back to the real world. "Oh, hey. She's inside. I just couldn't see her like this anymore. It just got too much." A doctor came out of the room. "Mr. See?" Chester stood from the chair he was sitting in. "Yes?" "You can come in. She is still unconscious, but she is stable. He walked in with Hannah and Mamrie. They sat down net to the bed. "Do they know what happened?" Hannah asked. "They made a lot of photos, a MRI-scan and took some blood. They will be back in a couple minutes with the results. They gave her an IV because she was very dehydrated." Mamrie and Hannah gave Chester a hug. "She will be okay. She always is." "Thanks, guys. I'm really happy you could both come." "She needs to see us, when she wakes up. It's been too long." Chester gave them a little smile. The beeping in the background got louder and faster. One of the nurses walked into the room. And checked on the monitors. "I think she is trying waking up." Chester sat next to the bed and grabbed her hand. Hannah and Mamrie did the same thing on the other side. Grace opened her eyes slowly. She blinked to get her vision back. Everything was blurry. Why does it smell so weird? And what is that annoying beeping noise? Where am I? "Grace?" She felt someone grabbing her hand. "Grace?" She tried to turn her head towards the sound. Ah, my head. Why does this hurt so much?

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