Trying really hard

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Grace surprised herself day after day. She loves being a mom to her now three month old son Jack. She is so happy he happened to her and Chester and in between all the caring for their little miracle they were planning a wedding. In five months she is going to be married to the love of her life. She couldn't believe she turned into a mom this fast and her life would turn around this quickly. She hated marriage and babies and look at her now. She had one baby, about to get married and she was already thinking about another baby.

"I can't believe Quinten and Scarlett are already 4 months old." "They grow so fast. That's one of the side effects of having kids." Sarah laughed. "Hannah, you're a dork. You know that right?" Hannah nodded with a smile on her face. "But I'm your dork." A little cry came from the nursery. "Oh, the princess is awake." Hannah walked into the nursery and picked her daughter up. Quinten woke up too, so Sarah picked him up and they both changed their diapers and out of their PJs. "They are ready to start the day. Breakfast on the couch." Sarah and Hannah walked down stairs and sat down.

"I have a feeling it's going to work this time. The babies are 4 months old with amazing parents and I think I don't have to worry about them anymore." Mamrie smiled at Rick. "It's okay, honey. We'll try until we conceive. And if we end up with only one child I'll be the happiest man on earth." Rick kissed Mamrie's forehead, cheek and then lips until she gave in. She relaxed in his arms as they laid on the couch together watching TV.

"Hi guys, I've to tell you something. I'm not completely sure but I just have to share it with you two." "You can tell us everything." Mamrie smiled at her friends. "Well you girls know me and Rick are trying right?" Hannah and Grace nod. "I've got this feeling it is going to happen soon. Maybe even this month." "Mames, that is wonderful. I really do hope it works. You and Rick deserve a little kid just like me and Hannah." "Hey Grace maybe you can give some pointers since it happened unexpected with you and Chester." Grace looked at Hannah. "Why Hannah? What did I do to you?" Hannah looked back at her. Both girls had tears in their eyes. "I didn't mean it like that. It came out totally wrong. I'm so sorry Grace. I'm proud of you for sticking with it, raising your amazing accident with his father." Mamrie looked at Grace and laid her hands on Grace's shoulders. "I couldn't be more proud of you. I mean it Grace. You are an amazing mother, girlfriend and fiancé. Soon to be wife." Grace looked at her friends with a little smile. "I know you didn't mean it like that but it was just a little shocking hearing it like that. He really is our amazing accident and I only have to wait another month to call Chester my wonderful husband. I'm even thinking about a second baby. Is that too soon?" Mamrie and Hannah look at each other and back at Grace. "What did you do with the real Grace?" "The one that doesn't want to marry and hates kids." Grace laughed. "I know right. I completely changed in the last couple months. It's crazy."

"Is Sarah going to be okay with all three of our kids?" "Yeah, she'll be fine." Hannah smiled at Grace. "Grace you are looking so beautiful and everything will be fine." Grace was wearing a beautiful white dress. It had accents on just the right places. Her hair was half up half down and in large curls. The dresses for Hannah, Sarah, Mamrie and Michelle are different shades of mint green. It looks beautiful next to Grace's white dress and the mint green comes back in the ties of the boys. Everything is beautiful and lovely for a summer day in July. Jack looks so much like his dad today. They made 2 suits. One for him and one for Quinten and a little mint green dress for Scarlett. Sarah is walking them in a little wagon, so they could be part of the wedding too. Jack looks like a little Chester, but he has Grace's big brown eyes and light brown hair. Scarlett is an exact copy of Hannah when she was little. She is a beautiful little girl, next to her much bigger brother. Quinten is a lot bigger but just as beautiful. "Hi Grace we need to go because we don't want to be too late today." Grace smiled at her. "Let's go. It's time to get married to a beautiful man. A man who helped me so much with so many things. I've secretly dreamed about this day since the day I met him." All 4 ladies walked out of the room and met the groomsman in the hallway. They talked a little bit until they needed to go inside the chapel.

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