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"Gracie what are you doing Honey?" "I'm just play with my dolls mommy." "You are being a little loud Honey. Your brother can't sleep because of you." "Sorry mom. I'll be quiet." Grace made a zipper sign and returned to playing with her dolls. More quietly this time. After about 20 minutes little Tim walked in the room. "Gracie?" Grace turned around to look who came into her room. "Hi Tim. I thought you we sleeping little bug." Tim rubbed his eyes tiredly. Grace looked at the clock. "Do you want to join me for a couple minutes before I bring you to bed again?" "Yes!" "Sit down and be quiet. Mom can't hear us." They played together with the dolls and pretended to drink tea. Tim had fallen asleep on the ground. Grace walked down the stairs and into the living room. "Somebody is being a little devil. Why aren't you in bed yet?" "I wasn't tired yet. And then Tim came into my room and we played some more." "Tim is awake too?" Grace shook her head. "He fell asleep on the ground. But I can't move him to his bed." Her dad stood up and walked up the stairs with his daughter. He tucked Tim into his own bed and came to Grace's room to see if she was in bed yet. He tucked her in too. "Goodnight princess." "Goodnight daddy."

Grace woke up with a smile on her face. It had been a while since she had had such a nice dream. She turned on her side to look at Chester. But he wasn't there. Grace looked at the clock. It was already 11 o'clock. Chester was probably already downstairs. Grace got out of bed and checked on her children before she went downstairs. Jack wasn't in his room anymore and the girls were still peacefully asleep. It was a Saturday, so the girls always took advantage of it. Grace walked down the stairs and found Chester and Jack gaming on the couch. "Jack that isn't fair. Let your old man win one time." "Dad why would I? This is so much fun." Grace just watched father and son interact. She walked up to Chester and kissed his cheek. "Good morning Sweetheart. Did you sleep well?" "I did Honey. I slept amazingly. I'm making brunch. You can play one more game with your son and then go and wake up your daughters. It's time they got up and make something of the day."

After brunch everybody got dressed and they went to the mall together. Lily and Rosa had a school dance next week and needed a pretty dress. Because everything they had wasn't good enough. They had already looked at a couple weeks. Grace could see that Chester and Jack were bored out of their minds. "Ches please go and do something fun with your son. Maybe buy him some new clothes." Chester smiled. "You are an angel." Chester gave Grace a sweet kiss. "Eugh.. Do that in your own time." Grace and Chester looked at Jack. "Can't wait until you have a girlfriend. Now let's go bud. Your mom let us go free, so do you want to do." "Are we really free to go anywhere?" Chester looked at Grace. She nodded slowly. "Yes we are." Jack's eyes lit up. "Can we go to the game store? I want to see if they have it." "Let's go. Lead the way." Jack and Chester sprinted away leaving Grace with her daughters. "So girls we are alone. Did you see something you liked? Or are we just going to try on some dresses and she which one is the best?" "Try on dresses. Are you trying on dresses too?" Grace looked at her daughters. "Yeah. I can try on some dresses. Why not."

"Good morning sweetie. It's late and I think it is time you got up." "What time is it?" Rick looked at the clock. "It's almost 12." Mamrie closed her eyes. "Something isn't feeling right. I'm nauseous. What did we eat yesterday?" They thought about it. "Nothing out of the ordinary. But maybe it just fell wrong. You stay in bed, sleep a little. I'll bring you some soup and tea later." "Thank you Honey." Rick kissed Mamrie's forehead and walked out of the room. Mamrie was already dosed off again before he even closed the door.

A couple shops and hours later the whole family met at the restaurant. "Looks like you girls succeeded." "We did dad and so did mom." Chester looked at Grace. "Oh did she?" Grace blushed. "We were shopping for dresses and all three of us were trying on dresses. We saw this one and it was just perfect for Christmas and later events." "It's okay Gracie. I can't wait to see it Honey." Chester winked at his wife. "Let's just eat. When we get home we can show you boys what we bought and you boys can show us what you bought." "Deal." One of the waiters arrived at the table. "Good evening. Do we want to order drinks already or menus first?" "We'll order some drinks first. I'll have a coke." "I want a sprite." "Me too." Rosa and Lily said at the same time. "I'll have a sparkling water." "I'll be right back with the menus."

Mamrie was sitting in a little pink room. She was young, a year of 18. She stood from the chair she was sitting in and that's when she noticed the soft cries of a baby. A little baby girl was laying in the crib in the room. Mamrie picked up the girl and rocked her in her arms. "Shhh little girl everything is okay." Mamrie walked through the room with the girl in her arms. She had fallen asleep and was snoring softly. 'What is happening? Why am I in this room alone but with a baby? Is she mine?' The girl woke up again and started licking her lips. She was hungry. "You hungry little girl?" Mamrie looked around to see if there was any food or formula in room but it seemed like they weren't in any luck. Mamrie placed her finger in the girl's mouth and she started sucking on it. "You are really hungry." Somebody knocked on the door, so Mamrie stood to open the door. She walked to the door after she placed the baby in her crib. Mamrie opened it and screamed.

Mamrie jumped up and ran to the bathroom. She barely reached the toilet when everything came out. Mamrie let everything go. When she was done she looked at Rick. "I think I know what this is."

Winter formal was a great success and the girls wore their dresses at Christmas dinner too. The dresses were very similar but yet different. Lily choose a short aqua blue and white dress. The dress had thin straps and a flower on the waist. It was almost completely white but the bottom was blue. Like is was dipped in paint. Rosa's dress had the same dipped bottom but it was a strapless dress with a waistband. Rosa's dress is purple with little sparkles on the top halve. Grace's dress was lace. Light blue and black and strapless. The whole dress was light blue but the part around the waist was black with a small bow. The girls looked fabulous and the boys matched their ties to the dresses of the girls.

"Hi Harto." "Hello Grace. Looking good. New dress?" Grace nodded. "I bought it a couple weeks ago with the girls. They needed winter formal dresses and I just saw this one. I just couldn't leave the store without it." Hannah looked at the girls. "I just love seeing these four girls together. Scarlett is 15 months older than the other three but it just works." "Scarlett is a mini you with her vest and tie. Scarlett will always be the big sister to my girls and Mamrie's girl. I love seeing them together too. Same goes for the boys. The ages are a little more spread but Riley and Ryan feel like little brothers to Jack and they are his best friends. It will be a little different if the oldest are hitting fun on puberty." "They'll be fine."

A/N: We are nearing the end off this story

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