Camp story

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Jack/Quinten/Scarlett (December): ~ 7 years and 6 months

Maddie/Lily/Rosa (March): ~6 years and 3 months

Riley/Ryan (June): ~ 5 years

Why did we said yes to this Han? I can't live a week without these two monkeys running around the house. I'll miss them way too much." Hannah kisses her blond lover on the cheek. "We'll be fine. We have a lot of alone time." She winked. "Han I can't think about that right now." Sarah watched their kids play with Jack and some other kids. "What if something happens? What if something goes wrong?" "Sarah don't worry so much. Look at our kids. They have already forgotten about us." Hannah turned Sarah's head. "Neither of them will miss us and if something happens we'll be called. Everybody is going to be fine, Sarah." Hannah took Sarah's hand. "Let's say goodbye to our angels and go home. We can enjoy ourselves together without screaming children or quiet because they could wake up." Sarah looked at Hannah. "I want to go with you but it is just so hard. Let's go. It is only going to get harder and harder the longer we stand here." They walked to their kids together. "Scarlett. Quinten. Mommy and mama are going home." Both kids turned around and ran to their moms. They hugged for a long time. Sarah took Quinten apart. "Look after your sister this week. I'll miss you both really much so I need to know you'll look after your sister." "I will mommy. I will. And Jack will too." "It's good to hear that you three are together. Now have fun." Sarah hugged her son one last time and let him go. "Bye angels. Have fun." They both waved.

"Sarah come here. Come and lay in bed with me. And let me get your mind of things." Sarah just looked at Hannah. "Seriously Hannah. I'm just lying in bed with you. Nothing else. Not doing anything else." Hannah looked a little disappointed but she nodded. "Okay. I can live with that. Now come here I need a hug from you." Sarah walked to the bed and laid down next to Hannah. Hannah moved and laid her head on Sarah's shoulders. She snuggled into Sarah and closed her eyes. "Sorry Hannah. I'll feel better later in the week but not today." "It's okay Sarah. I get it. Maybe we just need another little one. But this time you can carry it maybe." Sarah's eyes lit up and a big smile appeared on her face.

"Your big brother will be back in less than five hours. So enjoy this as long as you can." Both girls ran away laughing, jumping in their dads arms and kissing his cheeks at the same time. "Hello girls. How are you doing? Happy your brother is going home today?" Lily shakes her head and Rosa nods furiously. "Mixed feeling I see. Well he is coming home and there is nothing you two can do about it. Now go and play. I'll get you when we leave." Chester turned to Grace. "Are you ready to have our boy back?" Grace smiled. "Yes I have missed him. I want my little boy back. The girls are fun but we need an extra man in the house." Chester laughed. "Jack isn't a man. But I missed my man too."

Grace and Chester were just talking with Hannah and Sarah when Lily and Rosa ran away suddenly. "Hi girls. Where are you two going?" That is when they saw why they ran. Jack, Quinten and Scarlett walked around the corner. The five kids hugged each other and walked to their parents together. "Hello strangers." Jack let go of Lily and Rosa's hands and hugged his parents. "Good to see you little boy. It seems like you had an awesome week." "Yes I did. I really did enjoy myself this week. I thinks Lily and Rosa will really like it too. So maybe they can go with us next year." Jack smiled at his sisters. "It'll be more fun for Scarlett too. She met some new friends and just came everywhere with the boys." Grace and Chester looked at each other. "We are going to think about it. But let's go home now. You can tell us everything you want to tell in the car home." They said goodbye to Hannah, Sarah, Scarlett and Quinten and walked to the car.

Grace turned around. "He has fallen asleep. What a cutie." "I'll carry him in if he is still asleep when we go home. He probably didn't sleep much all week." They drove home in silence. The girls talked to each other and didn't bother Jack at all. When they got home Jack was still asleep so Chester picked him up and carried him inside the house. "I'll lay him in his bed and help you with dinner later." "Sounds good. Lily and Rosa want to help with cooking today. I'm making cookies and ice cream for after dinner. So I think you two can help me with that." "Yes Yes yes." The girls started jumping. "Wash your hands and go sit at the table I'll bring you the dough later.

Jack woke up an hour later. Just in time for dinner. They ate and Jack told some of the things he did. "Grace I think we can send the girls here too next year. It sounds really fun and safe." "And Quinten and Scarlett seemed to like it too." "We'll talk about later on. Let's finish dinner and see what we can do as a family until you three have to go back to school."

"The summer is over Jackie. Time to get up." Jack opened his eyes slowly. "Mommy no. My bed is so good. I don't want to get out." Grace kissed his forehead. "I will leave your clothes on your chair and go and wake up your sisters. You have about 10 minutes before I'm back." Grace walked away and left the door open. "Hi Chess. Go and tickle your son. So her wakes up." Grace winked at her man. "Yes ma'am." Grace walked to the girl's room and Chester walked into Jacks room. "Good morning ladies. It's time to go to school again." Soft giggling came from the top bunk. Grace pulled the blankets at the bottom bunk away. No one was sleeping there. "Where is Lily? Chester we have lost Lily." Chester walked into the room. Followed by a dresses little boy. "Oh no. Where could she be? Is she in the closet?" More giggling came from the top bunk. "Maybe she is under the bed?" "No Lily. Let's see if Rosa is in her bed." Right when Chester pulled the blankets away both girls jumped up. "Boo." Chester faked being scared. "I think I found Lily."

Mamrie was sitting on the couch when Rick came back home. He was drunk. "Rick this is the 7th time this month you come back home almost black-out drunk. Where are you going with your "buddies" every time? And what are you celebrating?" Rick's eyes were empty. He was too far gone. "You are sleeping on the couch tonight." Mamrie pointed at the blankets she placed next to the couch and walked up the stairs. Rick didn't follow. He just stood there in the living room staring at the floor. That night Mamrie cried herself to sleep.

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