So many teens

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Jack/Quinten/Scarlett (December): ~ 11 years and 3 months

Maddie/Lily/Rosa (March): ~10 years

Riley/Ryan (June): ~ 8 years and 9 months

"Hannah are we ready for another one? Quinn and Scar are already 11." "I know that gap will be big. But I really want a little one, a new face in the family." Hannah and Sarah were sitting on the couch together. The kids were at school so they had some time to talk serious things. "Sarah I would love to have another one. So let's just do it. We use the same donor and see what happens." Sarah looked at Hannah with big eyes. "I want to do it at home, not at the hospital. I don't want it to be medical." "I can live with that. When do you want to start?" "As quickly as possible." Sarah had the biggest smile on her face. Hannah just couldn't keep her smile to herself. "I love you."

"Teens. We have two more teens." "One eleven and two ten year olds. Life is only going to be more fun. Jack is go to a new school in a couple months." Grace and Chester laid snuggled up in bed when all of their kids ran into the room. "Good morning nuggets. Did you sleep well?" Lily and Rosa looked at each other. "Mom stop talking and ask stupid things. It's our birthday today. Of course I didn't sleep well. I'm way too excited. I'm ten bitches." Grace couldn't stop laughing. "Lily don't curse please." Chester stood up out of bed and walked down the stairs. Grace just smiled at her daughters. "Let's go downstairs and see what is waiting there." Lily and Rosa jumped up and ran out the door, down the stairs and started streaming. "OMG! OMG! It's so cute. OMG!" Grace walked down the stairs slowly followed by Jack. When they walked into the living room both girls were hugging a puppy. Lily was petting a little brown French bulldog and Rosa was hugging a black one. Chester walked up to Grace. "I think they like them. I think we did well." Both dogs had bows around their necks. "Happy birthday girls." Jack said while walking into the kitchen. "They are getting even more things for their birthdays?" "Jack. When you give a dog you need other things too. Now be a nice boy and go tell you sisters that they need to come to the kitchen." Jack looked at his mom. Grace bowed to whisper in Jack's ear. "I have something for you too." Jack walked out of the kitchen. Lily and Rosa take your dogs and walk to the kitchen. Mom is waiting in there."

It became a lot quieter in the house after the first shock. Lily and Rosa decided they were sharing both dogs, so they decided on the names together. Taco for the brown Frenchie and Nacho for the black Frenchie. They switched up there room and placed the dog beds in the middle. I know these dogs will never sleep in their bed but that's okay. Jack got a new bike because he badly needed one. So Chester and I had three happy kids today.

"Han can you go to the store and pick up a test? I'm late and I have been nauseous for 3 days now." Hannah's smile grew bigger. "I'll get you a test. Do you need anything else from the store?" Sarah shook her head. Hannah stood from the couch and kissed Sarah's forehead before she walked away. "Get some sleep. You seem very tired Honey." Sarah nodded.

When Hannah got back home Sarah wasn't on thecouch anymore. "Sarah?" No answer. Hannah placed the bag on the table and tookoff her shoes and jacket. She walked up the stairs and looked in the bedroomfirst. Nobody but she had been there. A sound came from the bathroom. "Sarah?"still nothing but there were still sounds coming from the bathroom. Hannahopened the door slowly. She found a pale looking Sarah hanging above thetoilet. Eyes bloodshot and tears streaming down her face. Hannah sat behind herand took Sarah in her arms softly stroking her back. "It's okay. I'm here now.You're okay." Sarah seemed to calm down a little bit. "Are you feeling a littlebit better?" Sarah shook her head. "I'm still really nauseous but you helped mecalm down because I was panicking really bad." Hannah stood. "I'll get thetests from downstairs and we can see if this is caused by what we think it is."Hannah picked up the test and came back into the bathroom. Sarah peed on thestick and placed it on the counter. "Now we wait."

A/N: Sorry this is a smaller one. Just a little filler. I'm also making big steps in their ages. Sorry if you don't like it.

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