A cosy December

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December 2017

Little Riley and Ryan were all settled in. Starting to laugh at lot more and they are both starting to crawl. Maddie is a great big sister. She loves to help her mam and dad with the babies. She's almost 2 so she is starting to get a lot more talkative and she loves to sing for the boys. "Maddie can you come and help me in the kitchen?" Mamrie placed the boys in their high chairs before she started making some food for the boys. Maddie ran into the kitchen. "I mama help." The redhead places her daughter on a chair and handed her a plate with food. "Who do you want to feed today?" Maddie thought hard about it. "Ry-an. I feed Ry-an." Maddie fed Ryan without saying anything, so it was really quiet in the room. Mamrie finished first, so she watched her daughter for a little bit. "Doing good, Mads. You're doing okay." Maddie smiled at her mom and turned back to feeding Ryan.

"Yet another year together, Honey. Next year we can celebrate a little bit bigger." Hannah was already to hyper for a Sunday morning. "Hannah.. Go back to sleep. It's 7am on Sunday." But Hannah couldn't sleep anymore so she got out of bed and walked downstairs. She made herself some tea and sat on the couch with a book, until she heard Quinten and Scarlett. She walked upstairs, changed the two, took them downstairs and placed them in front of the T.V. with some milk. This day was going to be fun. Just hanging inside the house and doing nothing at all. Sounds like an excellent plan. Sarah woke up a couple hours later and walk down the stairs. Hannah had made breakfast. "Thanks Sweetie." They kissed each other good morning and started eating.

"Let's get out to eat tonight. Quinten and Scarlett are almost 3 and they have never eaten in a restaurant." Hannah looked at Sarah. "Do you think that's a smart idea? They can be a handful in new places." Sarah kissed Hannah's cheek. "They'll be fine. They are smart and starting to listen really well. You have to start trusting your own kids someday." Hannah thought about it for a while. "Okay. Let's do it. I just want to go out and eat somewhere." They moved up the stairs. First each dressing the kids in something nice and afterwards themselves. Hannah packed a diaper bag and Sarah got the stroller ready to go. Within 20 minutes they were out the door. Kids in the stroller and walking to a restaurant.

The night when by quickly. Quinten and Scarlett behaved nicely and ate what they got on their plates. They fell asleep in the arms off their moms, so the night was short. Both kids slept in the stroller. Scarlett woke up when Hannah picked her out of the stroller but she closed her eyes again very quickly. "This night was amazing. And now I know that are kids are raised right and eat a lot." Sarah looked at Hannah. "So we can do it more often?" "Only for special things. But yes. Now let's drop these two in their beds and enjoy the rest of the night together." Sarah's face lit up and she sprinted up the stairs, almost tripping over her own feet. "Easy my love. I don't want you or Quinten broken." Sarah huffed.

"Mommy wake up. Daddy wake up." An overexcited Jack was jumping on the bed. Grace and Chester were pretending to be still asleep. Jack was still jumping and Grace could hear Lily and Rosa talking to each other in their own room. She gave Chester a sign and he grabbed Jack's leg. Jack fell on the bed laughing. "Daddy, no, nooooo." Chester started tickling him. Jack was a giggling mess now. "Daddddyyy stohhhhop." "Does this tickle?" "Yeeesss, Stohhhhop." Chester stopped tickling him and Jack stood to hide behind his mother. "Oh you think you are safe now little boy. Your mother can't handle tickling either." Grace jumped out of bed and ran away with Jack in her arms. She opened the door from the girl's bedroom and placed Jack on the ground. "Let's get you two out of bed and ready to celebrate this day. "Mommy." Jack opened the door again and ran to his own room. Chester walked in behind him and helped the birthday boy with his clothing. This was going to be a fun day.

Jack was so spoiled. 3 years old and so much love. He loved to help him dad cook in the kitchen so Chester had made an apron and a cook's hat with his name. Hannah and Sarah bought some muffin, cake and pie tins and a lot of other things. The biggest surprise was Grace's mom. Grace didn't know she was coming to visit and when she walked into the room she started crying. The blond hadn't seen her mom in more than 6 months and she was just so happy to see her mom. The happy day only got better.

"Thank you Ches. I really needed to see and talk to her. So tomorrow we are going out for lunch and just talk." Chester kissed Grace on her cheek. "I could see that you need your mom and she was already planning to come. I only took her to not tell you she was coming for Jack's birthday."

"The bikes are ready, the other things are wrapped and the cake is baked. Did I miss something?" Hannah shook her head. "You didn't miss anything. You did great." Hannah gave Sarah a kiss. They got wrapped up in the kiss and fell into the grass. Hannah is smaller but she is stronger than you think. Hannah starts tickling the blond and Sarah starts screaming like she is being murdered. "Sarah be a little quieter please." Hannah sat up above Sarah and stopped with tickling. A loud cry inside the home got their attention. The cry started to get louder. Hannah ran inside the house and up the stairs and Sarah followed her close behind. Hannah opened the door from the kids' bedroom and saw Quinten laying on the ground, crying his eyes out and Scarlett stood in her crib. Also crying. Sarah picked up Quinten and saw his lip bleeding. "We have got a bleeding lip." Sarah hugged him closer and he calmed down quickly. Scarlett was calmed down too and was just laughing now. Hannah and Sarah looked at each other. "I think it's time for big kid beds." "I was thinking the same thing."

After 3 stores they got two beds. Just basic wooden ones. They could paint them the same color as the cribs. Because the rest of the room is fine for now. In a couple years they needed to think about a new and more mature room idea. Q and S are in the clouds because they got bikes and beds on one day and a party with lots of present later in the day.

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