Daily problems

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Jack/Quinten/Scarlett (December): ~ 7 years and 10 months

Maddie/Lily/Rosa (March): ~6 years and 7 months

Riley/Ryan (June): ~ 5 years and 4 months

Mamrie called Grace from her bed the next morning. 'Grace can I come over with the kids in half an hour?' 'Always but why?' 'I'll tell you when I see you. I don't want to do it on the phone.' 'See you soon. And whatever it is, don't worry it'll be okay at the end.' 'Thanks Grace. See you in half an hour.' She hung up the phone and stepped out of bed. She heard some noise coming from downstairs but ignored it. She walked to Maddie's room and woke her up. She woke the boys up and put some clothing on all of them. She didn't say anything to her kids about where they were going. She quickly picked up 4 bananas before she slipped out the door with the kids. "Mom where are we going? And why isn't dad coming with us?" "We are going to aunt Grace and daddy has to work so he couldn't come." The rest of the drive it was quiet in the car. Maddie had picked up the tension between her parents and the boys were just sleepy. Maddie was smart enough to not question her mom about it. And Mamrie loved her a little bit extra for that. They arrived at the See mansion 20 minutes later.

Grace was already standing in the door opening. Chester wasn't home. "The kids are upstairs." Maddie, Riley and Ryan ran inside and up the stairs. "Let's go to the living room and talk." Mamrie nodded. Grace took Mamrie's hand. Normally she wouldn't do it but she could see that Mamrie needed it. Mamrie sat down while Grace walked to kitchen. She came back with two drinks. Mamrie looked at her hands. "I don't really know where to start. Euhm.. Rick and I have been fighting more and more the last couple weeks and he has been coming home drunk a lot lately." Grace pulled Mamrie in a hug. "Oh Honey. Cry it out. Just let it out." Mamrie cried a long time. Grace had made something to snack for the kids and she called Rick to let him know that Mamrie was fine. 'Hi Rick...Mamrie and the kids are fine...She is sleeping on my couch right now and the kids are playing...You can pick them up if you want...Take your time. She really is fine. She needed to cool off for a moment.'

Rick picked up the kids. Mamrie stayed at Grace's and Grace promised him she would talk Mamrie into going home. She needed to be home for her kids. So Grace was going to talk to her and help her figure out what she wants.

Jack birthday was a hit. The now 8 years old decided to do a cooking workshop this year. He had always loved cooking with his parents and he wanted to learn more. So he went with his 2 sisters, Quinten, Scarlett, Maddie and 2 other friends to a big location and they were entertained for hours. After they were done cooking they were having a formal dinner with the food they cooked themselves.

"Rick can you please tell me when you are leaving the house? You don't have to tell me where you go but at least leave me a note that you are gone for a couple hours." After their bad fights a couple months ago, Mamrie and Rick were figuring out what worked the best for them. They went to a couple therapy sessions. Rick told Mamrie he needed some time alone once in a while and Mamrie was okay with that. If he told her he was going away. And Mamrie wanted at least 4 days a month without the kids. Relaxing with friends or family without the kids. "I have an idea. Let's go out together tonight." Mamrie looked at her man. "Jenna is coming over tonight and she can stay over if we want to." Mamrie's smile widened. "Yes yes yes. OMG! I need this so badly. Call Jenna right now and tell her to come out as quickly as possible. I'll fix something for dinner." Rick laughed and Mamrie ran into the kitchen. "Okay let's do it. Go get really and I'll call Jenna to come over."

Rick had thought of everything. They ate a nice dinner together in an expensive restaurant. After they finished eating Rick took Mamrie's hand and let her to the spot they first met. The awkward meeting of bumping into each other while running on the beach. An easier time if you asked Mamrie. After a nice beach walk they went to the hotel for the night. Shower together and got into bed. Mamrie laid her head down on Rick's shoulder and sighed. "Thank you. I needed this. Just a night only the two of us." She lifted her head of his shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Let's promise each other that we will go out, just the two of us, at least once a month. It doesn't have to be as fancy as today but just a nice activity together." "I promise you that that is going to happen from now on." Mamrie laid her head back down and closed her eyes. She snuggled into Rick some more and fell asleep almost immediately. "Night night Honey." Rick kissed Mamrie's head before her turned off the light and closed his eyes too.


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