Finding out the gender

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"Wow! This was emotion filled night, but I wouldn't want to spend it with anybody other than you." Mamrie sat up and kissed her husband. "If you don't stop with that. I will have to do part of it again." Mamrie smiled at him and climb on top of him. Laying her head in the crook of his neck. Rick kissed the top of her head. Mamrie looked up. "I really want to say thank you. I know we said we would try when we were married, but I don't think this is the right time." "I get it, honey. You want to be there if you friends need anything in their last weeks and that isn't easy if you are pregnant too." Mamrie just nodded, still laying on his chest. "I don't blame you. Not at all. We will start when you are really and totally combatable. We aren't in a hurry." "I don't deserve you. You are way too awesome for me." Rick kissed Mamrie's head again. He turned Mamrie on her back and started kissing down her neck and chest. "Again? Alright, I can go again."

"Aaah!" "What's wrong, Hannah?!" Hannah looked a little bit lost. Thinking about what she just felt or thought she felt. "Han, what's wrong?" Hannah looked at Sarah. She had big blue eyes, looking shocked. "I think I felt the babies move just now. For the first time." Sarah hugged her wife really tide. "Han, don't scare me like that again. I thought something was really wrong." She let Hannah go and looked at her. Hannah's shocked face had turned into a teary-eyed face. "Hannah, don't cry. I didn't mean it like that." Sarah took Hannah's face in her hands and look her directly in the eyes. "I'm sorry, babe." "I'm just really emotional. It's all going so fast. I'm already 17 weeks pregnant. We are almost halfway. I'm only going to grow bigger and bigger, moodier and moodier and more nervous." Sarah took Hannah's hands in hers. "You don't have to be nervous. We still have a long time with just the two of us. Next week we will know if we are having boys or girls." Hannah nodded. "We can start decorating the room, buying toys and clothing, organizing everything and planning some things. I can't wait to do all those things with you." Hannah smiled. "These babies are moving a lot. I can't unfeel it anymore. They haven't stopped for a second." Sarah giggled. "I can't wait to feel them kick and to hold them later." "Me neither."

'Grace, are you going to find out the sex of the baby?' 'Yes, we did today. And I wanted to call you to ask you the same thing.' Hannah giggled. 'We found out too. When were you planning to tell Mames? She has been stalking me about it for weeks now. I was thinking maybe it will be fun if we tell it together.' 'Yeah! Of course.. I also wanted to make a video to tell the channel, maybe we can do that together too.' Grace could not hold her excitement in anymore. "Grace, can you try to talk a little bit softer?" Chester asked. "Yes, I'll try." She gave him a quick kiss and listened to Hannah again. 'OMG! Yes, we should. This will be so much fun and I bet Mamrie would love to help plan all of it, film it and watch it over and over before we post it.' 'I think we have a deal. Can you come to my place tomorrow? I just texted Mamrie to come over too.' 'I will be there around 8.' 'See you tomorrow.' 'Bye Grace.' 'Byeee Hannah.' Grace hung up her phone and turned to Chester. "I'm telling them tomorrow. Should we call all the parents with the news?" Grace looked hopeful at Chester. Chester smiled at her. "We haven't told them anything, so I guess we have to call them. Your mom first?" Grace nodded. She had already typed in the number. Grace waited for her mom to answer the phone. It didn't take long. 'Heey Grace. How are you?' 'I'm fine, mom. Putting you on loudspeaker, so Chester can hear your reaction too.' 'Okay, honey. What did you call for exactly?' Grace giggled. "Just say it, Grace. I will tell it, when I have my parents on the phone." 'What did you say, honey?' 'Nothing Chester said something to me. Well.. I called to tell you that you are getting a grandson.' Her mom squealed. 'Are you kidding me right now Grace? Are you joking?' 'No, I'm not joking. Chester and I are expecting a baby boy in about 19 weeks.' Grace could hear her mother walk to her husband and she said something Grace didn't understand. 'Honey, we are so happy for you guys. I'm just shocked. I forgot you are already 20 weeks in. How's Hannah doing?' 'She is doing really great. Bigger belly, because of the twins. But she and Sarah couldn't be happier.' 'Well that's great news. I'll hang up, so you can call your dad and Chester's parents.' 'Okay, mom. Speak to you later.' 'Bye, honey.'

"Let's just start with the exciting news. I don't care about the rest we do." Mamrie laughed. "So charming, but tell me. Am I going to get nieces or nephews?" Hannah smiled. "I'll start. Both." She smiled at her friends. "We are having a boy and a girl. So the décor of the baby room will be really creative. We both can't wait to do it." "So Grace, what are you hiding in your belly?" Grace placed her hand on her stomach. "A baby boy. We are having a boy." Mamrie had tears in her eyes. "Omg girls. I'm so happy for you two. Let's celebrate." Hannah looked at Grace with a questionable look. "Oh, Mames. Hannah and I wanted to ask you something." "Since you are so supportive. We would love it if you would help with the making of the video we are going to make together for our channels." Mamrie's mouth dropped open. "OMG! Yes.. Of course." "Now all we need is a date to start filming." "The weather on Saturday is supposed to be really nice." "Saturday works for me." "Same for me."

"Okay, what are we going to do for the announcement video? I found some cute ideas, but I don't know what we want to do. I bought stuff for all my ideas, so we can start when we decide what to do." Mamrie smiled at her friends. "Mames, you are amazing." Grace hugged Mamrie and they fell on the ground. "Easy tigers." Hannah said with a giggle. She say down on the ground next to her friends. "So what were your ideas?" Mamrie got a piece of paper out of her pocket. She handed to Hannah. Hannah read it and handed it to Grace. "I think the handprints on white shirts and the box with balloons are fun." "Grace, the balloon one is overused. I can't do the cake one, I'll have to do two cakes." Mamrie looked at her friends again. "I think we should do the shirt one. I like that one. Let's go inside, get dressed for this and film this." "Yeah! Let's do this." They walked inside. Loud giggling and joking. The girls talked about the video while dressing. "Grace, maybe you can do it for Hannah and Hannah can do it for you." Grace gulped nervously. Hannah saw Grace pull a nervous face and trying to hide it with a giggle. Hannah walked towards Grace and pulled her away from Mamrie. Mamrie looked confused. "Wait one second." Mamrie nodded. "Grace? What's wrong?" Grace stared at her feed. "Nobody has touched my belly except the doctor and Chester a couple times." Hannah nodded. "You don't have to do it, Grace. You don't owe them anything. But I'll tell you this. I'm nervous too. I have two babies in my belly. They are moving like crazy, but Sarah hasn't felt them yet. I guess I'm nervous for her reaction when she does." Grace gave Hannah a hug. "We will get through this together and I'll do this for you." Grace had a smile on her face now. "It's only 1 hand for 3 seconds." "You are right. Let's go, Mamrie is waiting." They walked back, holding each other's hand.

"Okay, Grace here we go." Hannah dipped her hand in blue paint. Mamrie had already started with filming. Hannah lifted her hand and pressed it against Grace's belly. Grace jumped up and Hannah pulled her hand away. The girls looked at each other. Mamrie ran up to them. "What happened?" "Did I feel that right?" "I don't know. I felt it too." "Grace, I think you baby just kicked for the first time." Tears were streaming down Grace's face. "I think we will have to do that again." Mamrie said after looking at the footage. "Yes, we'll do it again and after that I'm going home to let Chester feel his baby kick for the first time."

"Chester, were are you?" Grace ran inside. She was so excited to let him feel his baby. "I'm in the bathroom. I'm not feeling so hot right now." Grace walked to the bathroom and Chester sitting on the ground next to the toilet. "I don't know if this will cheer you up or make it worst, but our boy kicked for the first time today." Chester's head shot up to look at Grace. "Really?! I can't wait to feel him too. And I feel a little bit better. But I'll be sleeping with a bucket next to my bed." Chester stood off the ground slowly and gave Grace a hug, before they both walked out of the bathroom. "Go lay in bed. I'll come in 10 minutes. I think our boy has found my bladder." "Oh boy! Go pee. I'll talk to my boy when you are lying in bed next to me." Grace gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before returning to the bathroom. She sat down, peed and walked to the bathroom. She snuggled into Chester and took his hand, place it on her belly. "OMG! He is kicking hard. I'm sorry, honey." "It doesn't hurt. It just feels funny."

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