Three months to go

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Jack/Quinten/Scarlett (December): ~ 4 years and 4 months
Maddie/Lily/Rosa (March): ~3 years and a month
Riley/Ryan(June): ~ 1 year and 10 months

"Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all." "Maybe it wasn't but you have to admit that it is fun to have all the kids together, playing all together. " Grace sighed. "You're right. It's fun to see them all together. Especially now because they don't see each other that much anymore. Ever since we moved my contact with Mamrie and Hannah has run thin and this is nice for the kids, to see their first friends, maybe even best friends. Lily and Rosa really missed Maddie." Chester hugged his wife and giving her a kiss on her forehead. "I know they really miss their friends and I know you really miss your friends but you also know why we had to move for a while." Grace nodded. "We will be back in 3 months. I can't believe we have been away for 3 months already." "Time flies when you are having fun."

After all eight kids were done eating it was time to get dressed. Everything was already laid out on the bed. "You guys need to shower first, so undress yourself and into the bathroom please." All eight of the kids walked behind Grace into the bedroom. All of them started undressing and fighting for a spot in the bathroom. Grace placed all them into the bath. "Sit down please." Grace showered all eight at the same time, washed their hair and dried them off later. Within 45 minutes all eight were clean and dressed. "Go and play nicely together. Your parents will be back soon." They ran away screaming. "Please don't scream so loudly." Grace walked to her husband and hugged him. "I'm going to miss these kids. It's just cute seeing them play together, all eight of them." "3 months Honey. We have to wait 3 more months until we can go back." "3 more months."

"Was everything okay here?" "Yeah Mames. Everything went fine. We have some noisy but well behaved children. They had missed each other, so they don't want to split up again." Mamrie sighed. "I hate to do it again but we have to stay here for 3 more months." "It's only 3 months. You are halfway the temporally move." Grace sniffed. "You will survive the next 3 months. Just like the past 3. Everything will be fine, Honey."

"Honey we are going home earlier than originally planned. I'm done with the project next week, so we can be home in 2 weeks." Grace turned around to look at Chester. "Are you serious right now?" "Yes I am serious. We finished 1,5 months earlier than we expected." Grace hugged Chester. "I'm so happy. Can I tell anybody about this?" Chester smiled. "Yes you can. I don't have an exact end date but you can tell that we are coming home earlier as planned." Grace smiled back and walked away. Already with her phone in hand.

"Han I want to do something when Grace get home but we only have about 2 weeks to think of something and fix something up. Do you have any idea what we could do?" Hannah looked at Mamrie. They thought about it for a while. "Maybe we can do a photo shoot. All of us together for a whole day." "Yeah that could be fun. I need a new picture of all the kids together. The last one doesn't have Ryan and Riley on it." Hannah walked to her laptop. She turned it on and logged in. "She is back in about 2 weeks, so if we plan it in 3 weeks we are always save. Even if she is back later, she will back when we plan it." Mamrie nodded. "Let's plan it in 4 weeks. Just to be sure." Hannah typed in some things before she showed Mamrie what she had done. "Looks good. Now we only need to find a way to tell her and Chester without telling what we are going to do." "Well we can choose the outfits and just tell the two of them we have something planned, but don't say want. We bring all the clothes before we go to the place again for the shoot." "That way we don't have to be to secretive on the day itself. Sounds like a great plan."

The girls want to wear the same thing for the shoot but Hannah and I decided that that wouldn't be nice for the pictures. So we bought 4 dresses all the same color but with different designs. We choose aqua blue and white as the mean colors. So we bought 4 dresses and 4 costumes with white and aqua blue and it just looks so cute. The boys are practically the same white shirt with nice pants, nice shoes and an aqua blue tie or bowtie. The dresses took a little more time to get but we have 4 different dresses for 4 different girls. Scarlett is the oldest of the four. We found a beautiful white dress, no sleeves, a tulle bottom and an aqua blue waistband with a big bow on the front. For Maddie we found a sparkly dress. All white sparkles on the top and a blue bottom with a big flower on her hip. Lily and Rosa like the same things but we couldn't give them the same dress. So we have two dress both with flowers but different. The first one looks like a strapless and white. The top layer is aqua blue and has flowers on it. The dress is completed with a waistband with a little rose. The second one has a white, lace top and an aqua blue bottom with roses. These girls are so spoiled.

Hannah and Mamrie had thought of everything for the shoot day. Mamrie would take Quinten and Scarlett to the place and stay there with Rick and their kids. Hannah and Sarah picked up Chester, Grace and the kids and drive them to the location. The two had only said that they would get pick up for a special surprise. So the family See didn't know anything. 'Everything is going smoothly. Just waiting outside for the family See.' 'We just arrived at the location. Going to start prepping.' Hannah smiled. 'You're amazing Mames.' 'I know. Nice to hear it from somebody else.' Hannah huffed. 'You had to do it. Oh they are coming outside. See you in 10 minutes.' Hannah hung up her phone. "Good morning." Hannah started when they stepped in the car. Chester and Jack in the back and Grace and the girls in the middle row. Hannah drove away when everybody was ready. "So are you telling me now what we are going to do? I know nothing. We didn't even have to dress special." Hannah and Sarah laughed. "You will see in 10 minutes."

"Now one of only the girls. Who dresses you four so beautifully?" All four looked at their moms. "These two did. They pick the outfits from today. And they did a pretty amazing job." "They did a great job. Matching dresses and costumes." "After this set we can do the second set of clothing and a picture of the three moms." The photographer shot some pictures of the girls while the boys got dressed. For the second set all the kids wore a Tee, jeans and converse but all in a different color. We got red, orange, yellow, blue, green, purple, pink and white. Mamrie had painted the converse the same color as the shirts. "I really love this rainbow theme." The guy looked at the kids. "I want the girl is red here and the boy in green next to her. Then yellow and pink on our knees in front of them. I want white in between red and green. Blue and orange can sit on the ground and purple lying in front of them." The guy took a step back. "Yes did looks good. Smile everybody." They did some different poses and a moms picture before the wrapped it all up with a group picture.

"Visit to the zoo for their 5th birthday?" "I was thinking the same thing. A day at the zoo and a nice dinner afterwards. Sounds like a great day." "Isn't it a little bit cold for the zoo? Their birthday is in December." Sarah looked a little concerned at Hannah. "Everything will be fine. With a lot of layers we will have a fun day at the zoo. Quinten and Scarlett don't care how many degrees it is. They just want to go to the zoo." Sarah nodded. "You're right. They don't care, if they could they went in their swim clothing or any other summery thing."

"Momma and Mommy this was amazing. I love you." "Thanks Honey. You and your brother deserve this day. Already 5 years old and so grown up." Sarah had tears in her eyes. "Mommy don't cry! This is a happy day." Quinten and Scarlett hugged their mom. "I'm just so happy we have the two of you."

A/N: There is going to be a little age jump at the next chapter

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