Parties in March

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March 2018

"Our Madison is already 2 years old. I can still see her birth, like it happened yesterday." Little Maddie came running into the room. She dressed-up nicely. "Looking like a real princess today, Honey." Rick picked up his daughter and hugged her tide. "Daddy, let me go." Rick placed his daughter on the ground. "Go play my little nugget. Go and enjoy your day." Mamrie walked into the room with two little boys on her hips. "Look at the rest of my beautiful family. Let me take over one of my boys." Mamrie handed him Ryan. Ryan snuggled into him. "Somebody is still tired." "I had to wake them up a little bit earlier than normal, because our Maddie is 2 today and we still need to do a lot at the location." Rick kissed the redhead. "Let's go and get the place ready for a party." They put their coats on and moved out of the door.

"You need to sleep little nugget. I know you are still happy from all the presents, attention and love, but it's time to sleep now." Mamrie kissed her daughter on her forehead. "Night night Honey." "Night night mommy." Mamrie switched of the light and closed the door a little more. She walked to the bedroom of her boys to check on them. They were peacefully sleeping in their cribs. She closed the door again and walked to the living room. She placed herself on the couch next to Rick and snuggled up to him. "This was a great day. I'm so tired but I love seeing Madison like this. She is such a happy girl and she is growing up to fast." "I agree with you. All three of them are growing up to fast. The boys are already 1 in 3,5 months." They snuggled for a bit before they went to bed.

"And yet another birthday. I'm setting up the presents downstairs, if you dress the kids." Grace huffed. "I always dress the kids. No problem. Go get the presents and started the pancakes. The girls want pancakes. They told me last night." Grace winked at her man and kissed his cheek. She walked out of the bedroom and checked on her little boy before checking her birthday girls. Jack was still peacefully sleeping, so she didn't wake him up. He had a rough night. The girls were awake, jumping in their beds. "Mommy!" "Hi girls. Did you sleep well? Because this is a special day." Both girls just jumped in their beds. "Okay. Let's just get you two ready." Grace changed her girls and dressed them in beautiful dresses. The blond picked out her daughters and walked downstairs. She placed the girls in the chairs and walked back upstairs. She walked into Jack's room. "Good morning Baby. It's time to wake up." Jack yawned. "Morning Mommy." The boy stepped out of bed and let his mom help him get dressed. They walked downstairs together. "Hmm smell good." Chester smiled at his boy. "Did you sleep okay, little boy?" Jack nodded. "Food?" Chester placed pancakes on 5 plates. He cut the pancakes on three of them before pouring syrup on them. "Here you go. I hope it tastes good." He placed the plates in front of the kids. Grace had put on some bibs because she didn't trust the eating skills of her 2 and 3 year olds.

2 weeks, 2 birthdays, 3 2 year olds. This was the week from Hannah and Sarah. Maddie was first. She celebrated it on an indoor playground. The kids were so tired at the end of the day they didn't even make it to the car before falling asleep. They slept the whole car ride and didn't wake up when the pick them up out of the seats, they slept when Hannah and Sarah got them dress for bed. Grace and Chester celebrated the birthday of Lily and Rose at home. Nothing special. Just a gathering of friends, family and children. The weather was nice, so the kids could play outside in the enormous backyard of Chester and Grace's house. There was cake and a little dinner for the closer friends. The day was less tiring for the kids, so Quinten and Scarlett were hyper from the sugar when they got home. Making their parents crazy at 10pm, when they should be sleeping already. At 10.30pm it was finally quiet in the house and Hannah and Sarah decided to go to bed too.

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