With a sweet ending

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Lily was sad the rest of the day. Their parents noticed something but never said anything. Lily and Rosa went to their room after dinner. "Should I go and get mom and dad?" Lily looked at her hands and nodded. Rosa walked out of the room. "Mam. Dad. Lily need to talk to you?" "What is wrong Honey?" Rosa shook her head. "I'm going to let her tell everything. It's not my story but I'll be sitting next to her because she needs me to be there when she tells it." All three of them walked to the room. Lily was laying on her bed face down. She was crying softly. Rosa sat down next to her and mom and dad on Rosa's bed. Rosa kissed Lily on the back of her head. "You can do this Lil. You need the help to move on." Lily looked up. She sat up and turned around. She sat back against her pillow and looked at her hands. "About 7 weeks ago I told you all a lie. I told you all I had a little accident and I was pretty beat up for weeks. That wasn't true. I was beat up by Jamie and two of his friends. They beat me until I stopped struggling and they raped me afterwards. I felt completely numb while all three of them took turns. I passed out at one point and when I woke up I was alone. I was beat up, broke and emotional. I walked home and sat down at the side of the street. That's when Rosa found me." Their mom stood from Rosa's bed and sat down next to Lily. "Rosa please leave the room from a moment." Rosa stood from the bed and walked out the room.

Rosa helped Lily collect DNA and Grace went to the doctor with her daughter. Lily was 9 weeks pregnant and they ran the DNA tests immediately and now they had to wait for a week. "This is going to be a long week." "Are you going to keep it Honey? Are you sure you want to keep it?" Lily nodded. "I can't just give up the baby. He or she is only 9 weeks old and didn't do anything wrong. I may have messed up a little but this baby hasn't done anything yet." "Okay Honey. I'll support you in your decisions. We all do."

Lily found out after a week of stress that is was Kyle's baby. Grace went with her to tell Kyle she was pregnant. Lily knocked on the door and Kyle opened it. "I think we need to talk about something." "Jamie already told me you were pregnant and I guess I'm the father since you are standing here. I will tell you now that I don't need a kid right now. It was a stupid thing and we should never have done it. I'm really sorry but I don't want anything to do with this kid." Lily just looked at Kyle. Grace stepped in front of Lily. "Kyle is your mom home?" Kyle shook his head. "Okay Honey. Have a nice day." Kyle closed the door. Grace and Lily waited at the door for a little bit and put a letter in the mailbox. "Let's go Honey."

A couple days later and Lily, Kyle, Jamie, Olivier and their moms were seated at the dinner table. "I'm so sorry you had to go through that Honey. I'm really ashamed of my son's behavior and I just don't know what to say or do." "Jamie lost his phone for 3 months and home arrest forever." "We have been thinking the same thing." While the moms we discussing punishments Lily was softly crying. She hated being in the spotlight and did not want to be in the same room with the three boys. Grace saw the discomfort on her daughter's face. "You can leave Honey. I'll tell them everything." Lily shook her head. "I need to do it myself." Lily took a deep breath and turned her head to all the moms. "Ladies. You are here because my mom invited you to come. I may be the victim here but that's not how I feel. Not anymore. I've accepted it and I'm trying to live with it. I'm pregnant as a result of the stupid accident and Kyle is the dad. He already told me he didn't want to be a dad and I'm okay with that. I'm keeping it and I will be raising it here at home with the help of my parents." Lily took a deep breath. "Please don't pity me. I have chosen to raise this baby because I don't want to end the life of somebody who hasn't even lived. Yes this was a big mistake but I can live with the consequences." Tears were streaming down Lily's face but she smiled when she finished and placed her hands on her belly. "You're a brave girl. Kyle will not be the father figure in the baby's life but we will support you. Kids are expensive. I will set up a monthly payment." Lily's face lit up. "Thank you. I will send you pictures of your grandchild in return." "Oh that would be lovely Darling." Lily promised she would invite all three of the moms when the baby was born and the moms promised to keep the boys away from her.

A/N: This is the end. I hope you enjoyed it. I probably will make a sequel to this, but maybe just one-shots. You'll see.

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