Lost and Found

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A/N: Thank you for the 200 views on my story. Love you all and please let me know what you think. :)

"It's time to take these two flowers home and let their brother meet them. I can't believe we let him wait this long." Chester smiled at Grace. "The boy is only 15 months old and he is really loud. It is better this way believe me." Grace linked her hands with Chester's. "I know, but I still feel a little bit bad about it. The pore boy doesn't know what is happening. First he doesn't see us for a week and now he get to share his love and attention with 2 others." Chester squishes Grace's hands and looks her in the eyes. "Grace he doesn't remember this later believe me. Jack is too loud and Lily and Rosa needed to be in the hospital a little bit longer than expected. We are going home with them now and Jack will meet them and he'll be a nice boy." Grace smiled at the thought of her little boy on the couch with his sisters. He is reading to them and they are both staring at him. Listening intensely. She hopes it will be like this when they are a little bit older. "Where are you think about Honey? You have the biggest smile on your face." Grace looked at Chester. "I was just think about the future. What our three children will be like later. I saw them sitting on the couch together. Jack was reading a book and Lily and Rosa were listening. Cuddled up to him and listening to him reading." Grace had tears in her eyes and they started streaming down her face when she looked at Chester. "I hope it'll be like that later. Just us with our 3 kids, maybe even a dog in the future." Chester placed a hand on Grace's cheek. "Even if that doesn't happen, we'll have our nice family." Chester lifted Grace's head to look her in the eyes. "Everything is going to be okay. They are going to be just like you and your brothers or me and my sister. Shall we check-out and go home?" Grace smiled and nodded. "Let's go. I'm ready to take them home." They each picked up one of their daughters and walked out of the room. They walked to the reception to check-out.

'Mam, we are almost home. Is Jack awake?' Grace could hear him playing with somebody in the background. 'Yes, he is awake and playing with your stepdad. How long will it be until you guys are here?' Grace looked at the clock. 'Ten minutes max.' Grace hung up the phone and grabbed Chester's free hand. He sensed her nervousness. "Relax Gracie." She closed her eyes for a bit, concentrating on her breathing and trying to calm herself down. Her heartbeat slowed down and she turn around to look at her daughters. "They look so much a-like. How are we going to keep them apart?" Chester laughed. "At first we will both mix them up, but in a little while you can keep them apart. Twins always have some minor differences." Grace turned around again. "I hope you'll like your room. It's pinkish and has rainbows and unicorns."

"They are here. Are we going to hide?" "No. I don't want to scare anyone today. Let's just all sit on the couch. I'll open the door and they'll be surprised when they see you guys on the couch." Michelle, Hannah, Mamrie and Sarah just nodded and walked to the living room. They sat down on the couch next to Grace's stepdad. "Jack come to grandma. Mommy and daddy are coming home with your little sisters." She picked the little boy up and walked to the door after the bell rang. She opened the door. "Hello big brother." Chester started. "Dadaada." Chester walked inside, so Grace could walk in too. "Welcome home Honey. How are you feeling?" "Mostly nervous." Jack was looking between his mom and his dad and smiled. "Ohh Jacky boy. You melt my heart every day and I missed you so much." Theresa placed the little boy on the floor and he ran to the living room. "He didn't even notice." "In the next couple days he'll notice. Now let's unpack these two and just sit in the living room for a bit." Chester and Grace placed their daughters on the floor and started taking off their jackets. Theresa started to undress Lily. "This is Lily, right??" Grace looked at her daughter. "Yes, this is Lily and that is Rosa." Grace smiled. Chester undresses Rosa and picks her up. Grace picks up Lily and they walk to the living room. Completely surprised by how many people where in the living room. "Hi guys. This an awesome surprise." Grace let her eyes scan the room and lays her eyes on Michelle. "Michelle, what are you doing here?" "I wanted to see my college roommate and her cute little family. And you did good Grace." Grace giggled. She walked up to Michelle and gave her an awkward hug. Michelle looked at Lily. "She looks a lot like you, but she is way cuter." "Thanks Michelle." Grace joked at her friend.

After a couple hours everybody was gone and the house was quiet. Jack was sleeping in his room and the twins were sleeping in the arms of their parents. Neither of them wanted to let the girls sleep in their own cribs. Grace yawned. "I think it's time to go to bed. These two will wake us up a lot." Chester nodded in agreement. "Let's go upstairs and take a shower one at the time. You can feed them at night too sometimes." "And I'll handle Jack tomorrow morning." They walked up the stairs. Lily and Rosa sleeping peacefully in the arms of their parents. Chester and Grace placed the twins in the bassinette next to the bed. "Now they fit in here together, but in a couple weeks this is not going to fit anymore." "Maybe they'll sleep in their own room by then. Do you want to shower first?" "No, you go Honey." Grace picked up some things and walked out of the room and checked in on Jack, who was sleeping peacefully.

Mamrie and Rick walked out of the doctor's office after the monthly check-up of their daughter. Rick grabbed Mamrie's hand. Mamrie was holding Maddie in her other hand. "Our little Maddie is growing good. She is almost twice her birth weight and already 2 months old." "I'm so sad our girl is growing up so fast. I want her to stay like this." Rick kissed Mamrie's cheek. "I wish she could stay small too, but I also can't wait to see her grow up more. See her start crawling, walking, talking, running and so much more. Don't you want to see that?" Mamrie nods. "Yeah. I guess I want to see that too." "When she is a little bit bigger we can start over and see how she reacts to that." Mamrie looked at her man. "She is just 2 months old and you are already talking about another child? You want a son, don't you?" Mamrie pocked her husband in the ribs. "You got me Honey. I would love to have a son. But we'll wait until Maddie is a little bit older." "I think that's a good idea and to be honest but I want a little boy too."

"Jack do you want to help me feed you sisters?" The little boy looked at his mom with big eyes and ran to the playground where his sister were laying. Playing with their feet and each other's feet and hands. The boy ran back to his mom and hugged her leg. "Jack help." "Okay little buddy. Go sit on the couch. I'll help you." Jack ran to the couch and jump on. Grace walked behind him with 2 bottles in her hands. She placed them on the table. She walked to her daughter and picked up Rosa. She placed her in Jack's lap and handed him a bottle. Jack helped her a little, but Rosa knew exactly what she needed to do. She walked back and picked up Lily. She took place next to Jack with the other bottle. Grace placed the bottle in Lily's mouth and she grabbed it immediately. Grace took out her phone and snapped a picture of her and her kids.

"Sarah, where is Scarlett?" "I thought she was with you." Hannah and Sarah looked panicked at each other. Looking around it they see their 18 month old daughter. "Han, stay here with Quinten. I'll go and talk to customer service." Hannah started to cry. She wiped the tears away and looked at Sarah. "I'll go and sit right there. Quinten is sleeping, so he'll be quiet." "Hannah, she is somewhere in the store. We'll find her." Hannah nods and the both walk in a different direction. Hannah sits down on the bench and gets out her phone. She stares at it. No new messages. She puts her phone away again and looks at her sleeping son. He hasn't been sleeping a lot at night the last couple day and doesn't want to nap, so the boy is out now. Too tired to wait until they're back home.

"Hello Miss, what can I do for you?" The woman behind the desk starts. "Me and my wife lost our 20 month old daughter. She was with us and the next moment we released she was gone." The woman gets out a paper and a pen. "Can you write down for me what she looks like, what she is wearing and her name? We'll call it through the intercom and she will be back in no time." Sarah writes everything down. Her height, age, hair and skin color, what she is wearing and her name. The woman behind the desk takes the paper from her and walks to the intercom. She starts naming everything that Sarah wrote down. Sarah remembers Hannah and that she can hear all of this. "I'll be right back." Sarah walks to the bench where Hannah said she was going to sit. But she's not there. Sarah took out her phone. No new messages from Hannah. She types in Hannah's number and calls. Hannah doesn't answer. Sarah puts her phone away again and walks back to customer service. She call when she sees I called.

A/N: I have a one shot tomorrow. 

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