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Sarah's pregnancy was a lot easier than Hannah's was. They found out that they were having a girl 2 months after Sarah found out she was pregnant. Sarah had been nauseous for a couple weeks, but nothing too bad to handle. Hannah helped her with everything the last weeks and stayed at home the 2 weeks before Sarah gave birth to a beautiful girl. She was born at 39 weeks and healthy and pink when she came out. Hannah and Sarah named her Elizabeth Daisy. Scarlett is in the clouds and wants to hug her little sister constantly. Quinten is a little less happy with it. He still loves his sister, but isn't a big fan of her either.

"Scarlett and Quinten go sit on the couch. I want a picture of the three of you together." Scarlett sat down and took a sleeping Elizabeth from her mom. Quinten wasn't as happy as Scarlett. "Quinten please. Can you at least smile for the photo?" Quinten was hitting puberty early and had been moody for a couple days now. Hannah took a couple pictures and Quinten was in his room again before anyone could say anything. Sarah looked at Hannah. "I'll talk to him. He got this from me. I was exactly the same at his age." "Okay Honey. I'll start with the food." Sarah turned around to walk to the kitchen. "Scar can you stay with Eliza while I cook us dinner?" "Don't worry. I'll keep her company while I study." Scarlett was a great student. She was smart and driven to get good grades.

Scarlett and Quinten aren't identical twins but they have always acted like they were one. Feeling each other's pain and mental health. They helped one another with everything but now they are getting older and things are starting to get awkward between the two of them. They are sharing less and less. Quinten pulling more and more towards Hannah and Scarlett is pulling towards Sarah. So it wasn't a shock when both wanted to talk at the same time is a different place. They were wired the same and that was never going away. Hannah and Quinten were at the bakery when Quinten wanted to talk, Scarlett and Sarah were at the supermarket with Elizabeth. Both talks started the same way. "Mom I want to talk about something." "Honey we can always talk about anything but maybe it's better if we do it at home." Both kids agreed.

Hannah and Quinten came home about a half an hour later. "Where do you want to sit to talk? I seemed really serious." "Can we sit on my room in my bed? I think I'll feel the most comfortable when I'm in bed." "Whatever you want Honey." They walked to Quinten's room and sat down on his bed. Hannah send a quick text to Sarah. 'Serious talk with Q. I'll let you know later what is wrong. X H' 'S wanted to talk too when we are home, so we will be in her room. Hopefully E is still asleep by then. X S' 'I'll take over E if we are finished first.' "Okay I'm done texting with your mom. My attention is a 100% on you now." Quinten looked at his hands. "I think I'm gay and there is this boy in my class I kind of like but I don't think he likes me too." Hannah smiled. "Q you don't have to be ashamed of being gay. Me and you mom are gay. It's completely normal." "I know. It's more the second part. I just want to know what he thinks or me." "Everything will be alright. You will know soon enough." The front door opened. Sarah, Scarlett and Elizabeth walked in. "Q you can always come to me or you mom with things like this. We are always here for you. I'm going to take E from your mom now because your sister wanted to talk too." "Thank you mom." "No problem Honey." Quinten and Hannah walked out the door and met Sarah and Scarlett in the kitchen. Sarah handed Elizabeth to Hannah and walked to Scarlett's room with Scarlett. "I'll start making dinner."

They sat down and Scarlett started talking immediately. "Euhm.. I have these confused feelings and I don't really know what they are." Sarah hugged her daughter. "You don't have to be scared. When I was about you age I was confused too. I was raised in a straight family, no gays but I started to fall in love with one of my friends. I tried telling your grandparents but I never had the courage to do it. My friend and I never got anything but she made me realize that I was gay. In college I met your mom and Grace and Mamrie. We hit it off from the first day. I told grandpa and grandma about Hannah when we were dating for 3 year. They were trilled for me. Me and you mom are gay. So we knew there was a change that you, Quinten or Elizabeth were gay too. And there is nothing wrong with that." "Thanks for the story mom. I feel a little bit better now." They hugged before they walked out of the room. "We are 1 big gay family." Sarah nodded with a smile. "Everything will turn out great. Don't worry about it. You can tell me or you mom everything." "Thanks mom."

Sarah and Hannah were finally in bed. It took them a while to get Elizabeth in bed. She could be a little fuzzy at night but some things always did the trick. "Where did Q want to talk about?" "Personal things he is figuring out. He will probably tell you soon. I helped him and he felt a lot better. I wouldn't ask you about Scar. Because you'll tell me the same thing." "You are right about that Honey. He will come to me and she will come to you."

It took them a couple weeks to figure everything out but now they were really to tell the rest of the family. Quinten and Sarah had asked Mamrie and Grace to come over with the kids and they were all gathered in the living room. I was busy but this was the best way to do it. "Hello everybody. This must be a weird way to do it but it's the easiest way. Next to my sister and all of you at the same time." Quinten and Scarlett looked at each other. Scarlett nodded once and they spoke at the same time. "We are gay." Sarah and Hannah smiled. They already knew and were so proud of their kids.

After telling everybody he was gay Quinten was much happier. His mood swings were almost gone and he was a much better brother to Elizabeth. The 6 month old loved her brother and sister. Hannah kept talking photos of the three. Elizabeth was always smiling when Scarlett and Quinten were in the room. She was starting to crawl a little so in a couple weeks Elizabeth was following the two of them around the house. That was a guaranty.

A/N: S & Q are almost 13 now.

Perfect TimingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora